
Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams. - Yeats

UPDATED: Tong Yao Film & TV guide 18th Dec 2024 / Sun Li Film & TV guide 13th May 2024

Saturday, November 01, 2014

Kalafina's Keiko and Yuriko Kaida :)

And while I'm still waiting for Fate/stay night [UBW] to start... I found this tweet from Yuriko Kaida who has a solo career and also sings for FictionJunction.  I've no idea what this occasion is but I think it's probably a celebration dinner for the recently concluded Kalafina lives.  About 20 mins ago, Yuriko Kaida tweeted a nice picture of  herself and Keiko. :)


Silentwolf87 said...

yuriko kaida~!! ><

i do know that she has some of her solo songs, under kaiida name. but only sold on itunes..

but does she have any physical disc yet?

just me said...

Good question. I did a little search and apparently, she has released albums.

But finding a physical CD to buy maybe tricky. I couldn't find any.

Silentwolf87 said...

yeah, those album are digital album only.. wished she could have had a physical release as well. huhu..

just me said...

Yeah.... I'm still old school too. I generally prefer physical releases too. :)