
Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams. - Yeats

UPDATED: Tong Yao Film & TV guide 18th Dec 2024 / Sun Li Film & TV guide 13th May 2024

Tuesday, November 04, 2014

Kajiura Yuki to change FictionJunction's name to FictiouJunction ~ えっ?!? マジで!!!

Yesterday Kajiura Yuki posted a series of tweets about something she had been working on.  And what surprised most fans was that FictionJunction's name was now printed as FictiouJunction.

and this is what it looks like inside.

えっ?!? マジで!!  Has Kajiura Yuki changed FictionJunction's name to FictiouJunction?!?!?!

Seriously!!!  Name change??  Read on to find out. :)

Here, below are the series of tweets, tweet by tweet and I'll attempt to loosely translate them.
(note: I'll not embed the other tweets because they don't have photos attached to them and it'll slow down blogger. ALSO, my usual disclaimer, I can probably get a relatively accurate general translation but it will most likely not be 100% accurate.  Sorry, my Japanese still needs some work. :P   So please forgive any mistakes. :) )

Here goes...




"Ohh... I just happen to be doing a Tenkaichi now."

(note: these series of tweets were right after the previous tweets about Tsuda College etc and at the end of that section of tweets she tweeted about  天下市 which is a three day street market event held in Kunitachi City at the start of Nov every year.  I translated that bit in yesterday's post. CLICK ME to read it if you've not read it yet and are interested in what I wrote. :)

I think Kajiura-sensei was linking from that thought and if she's trying to pun it, than I must say I think that it's quite clever. :)  Both 天下市 and 天下一  can be written in romanji as Tenkaichi and should sound almost exactly the same in Japanese.  While 天下市 refers to the street market, 天下一 can mean "unique".  So by doing that she links quite nicely from talking about the street market to saying that she's making something unique.  Which is actually true from her subsequent tweets.)


At the beginning of Oct, Kajiura-sensei made some soap.  She intended to let it mature a bit but it should be ready soon.  So yesterday (2nd Nov), she stamped the pouches that the pieces of soap will be placed in.

こんな感じ〜。可愛いだろ〜( ̄∇ ̄*)ゞエヘ。

"Here's what it looks like.  Cute, isn't it?" [picture attached]


"Here's what it looks like inside." [picture attached]

……あっ、スタンプの「n」の文字が一個ひっくり返っちゃって、FictionJunctionじゃなくてFictiouJunctionになっちゃってる!( ̄□ ̄;)!!

".....ah!! The "n" on the stamp is inverted. It's not FictionJunction, it has become FictiouJunction! ( ̄□ ̄;)!! "



".......because 50 pouches have already been stamped wrongly......

FictionJunctionは本日よりFictiouJunctionに改名します!(* ̄0 ̄)/ (嘘)

FictionJunction will now be known from today as FictiouJunction. (* ̄0 ̄)/  (a lie)"


LOL !!!!!  Ahhhhh.... I like it that she has a sense of humour.  I think she can afford to be a bit "evil" though and not write (嘘)at the end of that line till a little later.  Make all the fans reading the tweet say a collective "WHAT!!!!????!!!!"  Hahahaha.... but she's too kind to give us fans a heart-attack so immediately after she writes that FictionJunction will now be know as FictiouJunction, she quickly writes the equivalent of "just joking". :)

I don't know who the soap is for but I'm guessing that they are meant to be gifts.  Maybe Christmas gifts or just random gift giving, I'm not sure.  But what I know for sure is this.... OMG!!! I want one of those!!!!  They look soooo  nice!!Except for the spelling error, everything about that piece of soap and that pouch is sooooo iconic FictionJunction.  If she ever sells this as part of the Kajiura Yuki Live concert goods, I will buy it in a heartbeat!!  :P  Unfortunately, that's never going to happen because these are made by Kajiura-sensei herself so they will definitely be unique, if they sold it at an Kajiura Yuki Live, it'll be mass produced... not quite the same. :(

Just in case, because you never know and because I don't want to start any unnecessary rumours.  FictionJunction is still FictionJunction.  Kajiura Yuki was just joking.  :)

Okay that's it from me tonight, I must sleep soon.  Last night I didn't get a lot of sleep so..... I have a little catching up to do. :P

I hope you enjoyed this post.... oyasumi. :)

p.s. I'm not going to proof read carefully tonight, there will probably be grammatical and spelling errors, please forgive me for those.  Good night


Silentwolf87 said...

XD nice joke, almost make my head spins out of confusion.. ^^;

just me said...

LOL !! I thought it was quite funny too which is why I spent some time translating it to share with all fans who can't read Japanese. :)

I wish she had held out a little longer before putting "uso" (lie) after that sentence but maybe she didn't want everyone to panic. :)