
Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams. - Yeats

UPDATED: Tong Yao Film & TV guide 18th Dec 2024 / Sun Li Film & TV guide 13th May 2024

Monday, November 10, 2014

Kajiura Yuki ~ Tsuda College Talk Show - qns accepted but deadline 10th Nov (TODAY!!)

Kajiura Yuki tweeted this early this afternoon but I only just saw it. :(  Apparently, she was accepting questions at the Tsuda College talk event.  And from her tweet, it looks like she's accepting questions not just from students alone but from everyone (みなさま). Dang it, I guess I didn't read the Tsuda College announce properly. :(  Bummer.
Well, today is the deadline.  I suppose it's still possible to try and squeeze your question in since the deadline says 10th November but doesn't give a time.  So I suppose, if you get your question in by 11:59pm JST, it should still count as today. :P

Well, doesn't hurt to try, if you have a question to ask.  Although, I'm not sure if you'll have to write it in Japanese.  You could always ask it in English and hope it'll get picked.  No harm trying. :)

The instructions look pretty simple.  I think you're suppose to email your question to that email address and hope it gets answered.  Of course, since most international fans can't attend, we may never know if it gets answered unless someone who attended the event writes about it. :)  But maybe someone will?  Fingers crossed. :P

Okay, render over... back to work.... :)

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