
Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams. - Yeats

UPDATED: Tong Yao Film & TV guide 18th Dec 2024 / Sun Li Film & TV guide 13th May 2024

Saturday, November 08, 2014

Kalafina ~ "heavenly blue" music video for sale - but not for international fans :(

This isn't new news actually.  This was announced on the 5th November but I was sick for a couple of days and the medicine the doctor gave me knocked me out good and proper and I spent most of the last few days home from work and sleeping a lot.  It's probably a good thing too since I often sleep too little. :)

Well.... they finally did announce a way for Kalafina fans to get a high-quality version of the full MV for this song.  Sadly, us international fans will have to jump through hoops to try and do the right thing.
Yup, if I want to get this through a legit source, I will need to ask my friend in Japan to buy me a prepaid iTunes card, or Mora card or RecoChoku card to buy the MV.  I kind of knew that already but still.... I had to try so I did but Mora and RecoChoku will not accept my credit card which means, it's a no go for us international fans. :(  I didn't try Dwango because I couldn't quite figure out how to buy anything from the site and I didn't feel like trying very hard because I was almost certain I would fail.

So yeah, I guess most people will just look for a torrent or something if they want the file even though at 400 yen, it's really not terribly expensive for people who can afford to and would like to support both the vocal unit and the Japanese music industry.  It's too bad region restrictions don't help at all.

Who knows, maybe if Kalafina also sings one of the theme songs for the 2nd cour of the anime which is scheduled to screen in January 2015, it'll be included as a bonus in one of the soundtrack releases. But for that, we'll have to wait and see.

Meanwhile, since I don't really want to get my friend to buy me a prepaid card, I guess this just means I just saved 400 yen + taxes.... so maybe region restrictions have helped me after all. :P

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