
Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams. - Yeats

UPDATED: Tong Yao Film & TV guide 18th Dec 2024 / Sun Li Film & TV guide 13th May 2024

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Kalafina chooses which bit of the lyrics of "believe" they like best

First, just a couple paragraphs on the daily ranking on Oricon....

Well, I always knew an awesome ranking for Kalafina's "believe" would always be hard given the number of big names that were releasing singles on the 19th Nov too, I still want to "believe". :P  Although, they slipped again but they're still in the Top Ten on the 21st Nov Oricon Singles Daily chart.  There is still a good chance, I think, that they'll manage a Top 10 ranking in the first week of release but a Top 5 might be hard.  I think Mr. Children may take the crown for the week but it is Mr. Children, so I'm not surprised.  Let's hope "believe" can stay in the Top Ten for the next few days and then they'll at least have another Top Ten ranked single.  I actually do quite like the songs in this single so I really do hope the single does well.


My other favourite who also released a single on the same day is Ieiri Leo who managed to break into the Top Ten for two days and even ranked higher than Kalafina yesterday.  She dropped out of the Top Ten but is close enough that a rebound is not impossible.


I hope Ieiri does well too because I really do think she's really good and particularly good live, at least from what I've seen on DVD and BD etc.  I really do hope that one day I'll be able to see her live too but so far none of her live dates have been close enough to Kajiura Yuki's or Kalafina's lives and since I'm a long time and quite devoted Kajiura Yuki and Kalafina fan, if I'm going to spend a ton of money going to Japan for a live right now, I rather it be for either Kajiura Yuki or Kalafina....sorry Ieiri-san. :(

And NOW... the bit that took me the longest amount of time to write. :P

Kalafina was a guest on FM Osaka's Endo Jun's You've Got a Radio programme.  Usually, I don't really post these photos up because there are fan groups on Facebook who'll post them up and I'm sure the pretty comprehensive Kajiura Yuki fan website canta-per-me would probably have it on their website somewhere.  And since mine is just a blog about stuff that I like, I don't post ALL things related to my obsessions because I have a lot of obsessions and if I did that, I could never leave my computer and I might become a hikikomori. So better not, yah! :P

THAT SAID, the reason why I posted this up was because I found what Endo Jun wrote interesting. First he thanked Kalafina for coming on his radio show.  Then he said that lately it seems that lots of people are singing Kalafina's song in the karaoke or jamming their songs. Nice! :)  And after that he ends off by giving info on their mini-live in Osaka and their Budokan lives next year.  BUT the specific part that I found interesting is this middle bit:

アニメ「Fate/stay night」エンディングテーマ曲になっています♪






Endo-san wrote that  "believe" was released on the 19th Nov and he asked the members of Kalafina what was their favourite portion of the lyrics in "believe".

I didn't try to translate the lyrics that each member chose since I'm sure I could not do a better job than canta-per-me and other translators with better Japanese skills than mine, instead, I sourced it from two different sources.  One source is from canta-per-me's very comprehensive database (click me) and the other source is from this site called Beautiful Song Lyrics (click me).  I just copied the bits I needed and pasted them below and since both translations differed a bit, I decided to copy both. Oh and the romanji is by me because I can actually read this :P , just translating song lyrics is actually not easy at all (*sweat) so I decided I had better not try since there are existing sources. :)

Keiko chose:
(shinjirukoto dake wo shinjita)

cpm: i believed in just believing.
bsl: I believed only, In believing…

Hikaru chose:

(ikite yukou jibun wo)

cpm: i shall see what it’s like to live.
bsl: So let’s go on living, Ourselves…

Wakana said she liked what Keiko and Hikaru chose too but she chose this instead:
(omoi wo tsunagu yo)

cpm: unites our feelings.
bsl: As it connects our feelings with one another.

Wakana then goes on to combine what everyone said into this one sentence:

Here's my translation of that line:
Wakana: The connection between people, or perhaps I should say a connection with Life, to believe and continue to live is something I feel is important. 

You might wonder why I chose to write this up.  Well, I think it's interesting because what one chooses often reveals little bits about each person's personality, beliefs or what is important to each person etc.  So while I could not possibly say what this means about the three of them, I just thought it was interesting what each of them picked out to be the most important bit.  And I thought it was funny that Wakana sneakily got in a whole sentence encompassing what all three of them said. LOL! :)

Ok... that's it from me for now. :)

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