Sooooo here goes.... very picture heavy... hopefully, text light. :)
Regular Edition

As usual, I shoot all the albums with the plastic wrapping on and off. And as usual, the one-shot of Keiko is in the Regular Edition.
Limited Edition (Type A ~ DVD)

These are the photos of the LE with the DVD. To save space, I didn't repeat the photos of the lyrics page because they are all the same in all versions except the Anime version. I also did not include the photo of the CD because they are all the same in all versions except the Anime version. And as usual, the one-shot for the CD+DVD LE is Wakana.
Limited Edition (Type B ~ BD)

These are the photos for the LE with the Blu-ray. And as usual, the one-shot for this versions is Hikaru.
Anime Edition

The above are photos of the Anime Edition of this single. This is a digipak with 2 trays. I took photos of it with and without the plastic wrapping and also various photos of it fully laid out. As usual, there are no photos of Kalfina in the Anime Edition and they really did make full use of that key visual, didn't they? :)

Here are the photos for all the leaflets they insert in all the albums.

The above are the photos of the postcards that come as first press bonuses. The postcard with the FSN[UBW] key visual of Tohsaka Rin and Archer is the postcard all shops will get. The postcard of Kalafina is the CDJapan tokuten. Some other shops get this tokuten too so it's not specific to CDJapan alone.
Okay... finally!!!
Fate/stay nightのテーマでご一緒させて頂いているKalafinaさんの「believe」リリースイベントを拝見しました!!素敵な歌声とイルミネーションがぴったりで幻想的で、なまら感動しましたっ!ありがとうございました!!
— 綾野ましろ (@ma_shi_ron) November 19, 2014
Mashiro Ayano attended Kalafina's mini-live at the Lazona Kawasaki Plaza yesterday (19th Nov). She also attached a photo of all of them looking so lovely. :)Okay... I really have to go sleep now. I'll maybe write about more about "believe" tomorrow night if I have the energy to do it. I'll give you the short version for now and that is that I like ALL the songs. :) I also have a ton of un-boxings to do, which I hope to do over the course of the rest of the week.
Lastly.... please do buy these if you can afford it and wish to support all those who were involved in the making of this single. The links again...
Limited Edition A SECL1612~1613
CD+DVD ("believe"music video)
01.believe every nothing
04.believe ~instrumental~
Limited Edition B SECL1614~1615
CD+Blu-ray ("believe" music video)
01.believe every nothing
04.believe ~instrumental~
Regular Edition SECL1616
CD only
01.believe every nothing
04.believe ~instrumental~
Anime Edition SECL1617~1618
CD+DVD (Fate/Stay Night text-less ending animation)
01. believe
02 believe ~instrumental~
(I'm not a 100% sure that this is the confirmed tracklist, so.... this may change. )
CLICK ME for the cover art.
CLICK ME for the postcard tokuten images.
Good night! :)
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