
Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams. - Yeats

UPDATED: Tong Yao Film & TV guide 18th Dec 2024 / Sun Li Film & TV guide 13th May 2024

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Kalafina will not be singing a theme song for Aldnoah.Zero's 2nd cour

Well, looks like after all that speculation, Kalafina won't be contributing a song for Aldnoah.Zero's 2nd cour which is scheduled to begin broadcast in January 2015.  Instead the OP will be by SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:mizuki『&Z』 who also provided the ED for the first cour.  And the ED will now be by Aoi Eir.
I guess I wasn't the only one speculating that Kalafina will still be involved in the 2nd cour because several people replied that tweet with "it's not Kalafina?" I guess with "heavenly blue" apparently doing so well that they went out of the way to make a MV for it even after the 1st cour had ended that I think people, like me, were thinking it seems likely that Kalafina will be singing either the OP or ED of the 2nd cour.

 I can't say that I'm not a little disappointed since being a fan, I always welcome new songs.  Ah well, I guess since my primary reason for following the Aldnoah.Zero twitter account was to see if there will be news on Kalafina, I can now follow one less account on twitter. One less account is nice, I already think I follow too many. :)

For some reason the anime didn't grab me the way Madoka Magica or Parayste or Psycho-Pass or even Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works] (but I am a ufotable fan, so I am bias :P ) did,  so I don't really feel a huge need to continue watching for now. I often continue animes that I'm not a huge fan of if Kajiura Yuki writes the music but in this case, she's not.  So without even Kalafina, I think I can drop it for now.  It's not a bad anime per se, just that I'm really busy and I already watch several titles per week and I just couldn't get pass ep 3 or 4 of Aldnoah.Zero even though I generally have good feelings for Urobuchi Gen. :(

Well.... I'm still really hoping that Kalafina will sing one of the songs for the 2nd cour for ufotable's  FSN[UBW] because I am a ufotable and FSN[UBW] fan and I like listening to Kalafina's beautiful voices at the end of every episode that I watch on the niconico stream. :)

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