
Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams. - Yeats

UPDATED: Tong Yao Film & TV guide 18th Dec 2024 / Sun Li Film & TV guide 13th May 2024

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Kajiura Yuki ~ Hanako to Anne OST 02 - unboxing

Actually, I picked this up ages ago.  I got it in the same package that contained Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#11 elemental Tour 2014 2014.04.20 @NHK Hall + Making of LIVE vol.#11.  I just never had time to do the un-boxing which also meant that I have only just finally had some time to listen to it. :)

I originally thought I'll write a post on my comments about Kalafina's newest released "believe" but I think it'll take up too much time and I returned pretty late tonight and am a bit brain dead.  So I thought I'll do a simple un-boxing post.  Something my brain can manage. :P

First up, the photos.  Like the first OST, it's a pretty basic release and does not have photos of Kajiura Yuki.  For the un-boxing of the OST 1, you can CLICK ME.

Thematically and stylistically it doesn't differ very much from OST1.  The same kind of artwork and color palette were used.  And it also includes a short comment from Kajiura Yuki too.

I shot closes ups of the text as well as the credit pages in case anyone is interested in them.

Check out the credit list for the musicians.  Check out the number of different instruments she uses. :)  Also, she used a vocalist in OST2.  This is a Kajiura Yuki regular.  It's the lovely Tomaru Hanae and she's credited as the vocalist for Track 35, titled "Light behind the Clouds". :)

So far I'm liking this OST.  I liked the first OST too. I'm too tired to go listen to OST1 all the way through now so that I can do a better comparison.  I don't remember it being extremely different in tone though and it shouldn't since these are OSTs to the same drama.

Except for a few celtic inspired tracks, the Hanako and Anne OSTs are in my opinion quite different from most of Kajiura Yuki's work because the vast majority of her work is for anime and is often very dramatic stuff.  This album generally lively but gentler and quieter than almost of her work.  It often has very playful moments as well.  It's really a nice change of pace for a long time Kajiura Yuki fan to listen to an album like this.  In my opinion, this is lovely stuff from Kajiura Yuki  and I'm happy that I decided to pick up both the first OST and this one too.

If you wish to pick up this release too.  You can use this link if you wish. :)

Hanako to Anne OST 02

Sadly, Kalafina's "believe" fell to 8th spot.  Ieiri Leo's single maintained ther 7th position.  I forgot that this single from Ieiri includes the theme song for the Eikura Nana helmed dorama, "N no tame ni".  She's currently doing a lot of promo events for the single too so that's probably helping it's ranking too.  Let's hope they both continue to do well. As a long time Kalafina fan I'll of course be more bias towards them, I do hope that "believe" will bounce back up the chart and hit No.1, although I know that is extremely unlikely given the competition they are up against.  I think a Top 5 weekly ranking might be hard to obtain, I'm hoping for at least a Top 10 first week rank.  Fingers crossed!!!

Okay, that's it from me.  Time for bed.  It'll be a busy day tomorrow too.  Not sure if I'll have time to write my comments post on Kalafina's 'believe" and any of my other planned posts but I'll try and write up something tomorrow before the niconico stream for "Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works]".  For now... oyasumi. :)

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