
Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams. - Yeats

UPDATED: Tong Yao Film & TV guide 18th Dec 2024 / Sun Li Film & TV guide 13th May 2024

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Kalafina's comments on "believe" (Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works] ending theme)

I'm really excited about Kalafina's newest release.  REALLY EXCITED!  :)  I'm dying for new music from Kajiura Yuki and the trio.  I actually chose Fedex for this shipment and although CDJapan sent the shipping info to Fedex on Sunday evening, I have had no updates on the package on Fedex today (Monday) so it looks like I may not get it tomorrow (Tuesday) as I initially hoped. :'(

So even though I should be writing another article for someone else :P , I decided to delay that for a bit to translate this article about Kalafina and posting it up tonight because I have Kalafina on my mind tonight. =D
These comments were released some time ago but I never had time to translate them.  Translating Japanese takes me a LONG time even for a few paragraphs like this because I want to get as close to the meaning as possible.  But my Japanese isn't strong enough yet and also because Japanese often leaves things unsaid and I'm not skilled enough to get at the implied meaning, :(  I take a long time over these translation so that, fingers crossed, I don't mess up too much.

So as usual, I have to say that I may not have translated these that accurately but it's the best that I can manage and I think they should be close to what they meant.  :) I hope you enjoy reading this. :)

This is sourced from a Barks article dated 12th Nov.  These comments from them were released to all major news sources in what was most likely a press release so what they said is the same in all articles.  This was  right about the time that they finished the tour, I think and there were a couple articles about the tour and quite a few nice photos of them floating around but I didn't save them and it's getting late so I don't really have time to look for them either :(

I didn't translate the paragraphs above Kalafina's comments because it's mostly just giving us information that we already know about the various versions of "believe" and that it is the ending theme for the "Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works]"anime.  Anyway, let's cut to the chase.... here you go... what you're really reading this post for... the translations... not my rambling prose. =D


「またKalafinaの新しい一曲が出来ました。皆さんのお手元に届くことを心待ちにしている現在です。今回の楽曲は、サウンドはとても駆け抜けていく ように感じるのですが、実はとてもゆったりとメロディアスを歌う一曲なので、とにかく明るく、そして丁寧に歌うことに努めました。ロックにもバラードの様 にも感じられる、そんな一曲です。私たち3人の空気感や響き、フレーズの繋がりまで、3声はもちろん、ひとりひとりの声をぜひ楽しんでください。今回は ミュージックビデオで水面の上での撮影という、新しい試みにも挑戦しました。ジャケット写真とともに、そちらもぜひご覧ください。」――Wakana

Again Kalafina has released a new song. I am now looking forward to it reaching your hands. The music this time sounds like it’s dashing through, but actually, the song is sung in a very relaxed melodious manner, anyway I sang it brightly and carefully. It is a song that feels like a rock song and a ballad. Please enjoy the atmosphere and the sound of our three voices combined and of course, also each of our voices by themselves too. This time, the video for the new single was shot on the water surface which was a new challenge for us. Also, please take a look at the photos on the jacket.

「ベストアルバムリリースから約4カ月経ちましたが、年内にニューシングルを出せることをとても嬉しく思います。すでにTVアニメ『Fate/stay night』のエンディングテーマとして流れているので、アニメをご覧になっている方には聴いていただいている一曲ですが、ぜひそんな皆さんにもフルバー ジョンで聴いていただきたいなと思っています。先日行ったツアーで初お披露目したのですが、実際にお客様の前で歌うと、believe……信じるという気 持ちを丁寧に歌詞から伝えたい、という想いが強くなりました。とてもストレートなメッセージなので、三人の声の力を言葉からも感じて頂けるように、これか らも歌っていきたい一曲です。ぜひたくさんの方にbelieveが届きますように……♪」――Keiko

It’s been approximately four months since the release of our Best albums, I am very happy that we were able to release a new single before the end of the year. The song is already being played as the ending theme for the TV anime『Fate/stay night』, those who are watching the anime and listening to the song, please listen to the full version of the song too. This song was already unveiled at the tour the other day, when singing in front of the audience, believe….. the thought of wanting to carefully communicating the feeling of believe that’s in the lyrics became strong for me. Because it is a very straight message, the audience is able to feel the power of the words through our voices, it is a song that I want to sing from now on. May believe reach many people by all means! ……♪

「“信じる”がテーマになった楽曲「believe」……信じるということを貫くには強い気持ちや忍耐など、たくさんのパワーが必要だと思います。自分を 信じるときも、人を信じるときも、葛藤の中で信念を持ち続けることの強さを表現したいと思いながら歌わせて頂きました。カップリングの2曲は 「believe」とは違った“リズムと言葉遊び”や“夢の中への誘い”のような楽曲になっていますので、ジャンルに囚われないKalafinaの音楽を この一枚で堪能して頂けたらと思います。」――Hikaru

“believe” is the theme of the song 「believe」……I think that much power including strong feelings and patience is necessary to carry through a thing like believe. As I sang I wanted to express thoughts that when you believe in yourself, when you believe in people and having the strength to continue to having belief during conflict. Because the two coupling songs are different from “believe” in rhythm, wordplay and like an invitation into a dream, I think that you can enjoy Kalafina’s music which is not confined to a genre.

And yes, I know I seem to be beating a dead horse, I'm sorry, but I really do believe that if you can afford it, you should buy the products of the artistes that you support. So if you can afford it, please do considering buying the CDs.  Please feel free to use these links or any other links / websites that you prefer. :)

Limited Edition A SECL1612~1613
CD+DVD ("believe"music video)

01.believe every nothing
04.believe ~instrumental~

Limited Edition B SECL1614~1615
CD+Blu-ray ("believe" music video)
01.believe every nothing
04.believe ~instrumental~

Regular Edition SECL1616
CD only
01.believe every nothing
04.believe ~instrumental~

Anime Edition SECL1617~1618
CD+DVD (Fate/Stay Night text-less ending animation)
01. believe
02  believe ~instrumental~
(I'm not a 100% sure that this is the confirmed tracklist, so.... this may change. )

CLICK ME for the cover art.
CLICK ME for the postcard tokuten images.

Okay.... I am off to bed.... I'll try and write the other non-Kalafina related article I was originally suppose to write on the bus tomorrow or during lunch at work. :P  I feel a little guilty... but it's Kalafina and Kajiura Yuki.... surely they take precedence. =D

Anyway... I know I'm very verbose.... so time for me to put a stop to it and go sleep now.... good night!!  And hopefully my CDs will reach me later today so that I can do the un-boxing.

18th Nov 10am
:'(  Fedex failed me this time.  The package just sat in Tokyo doing nothing for the whole of Monday.  Now "tracking" is telling me that the estimated time it'll reach me is tomorrow, not today.  Sucks. :'( 

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