
Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams. - Yeats

UPDATED: Tong Yao Film & TV guide 18th Dec 2024 / Sun Li Film & TV guide 13th May 2024

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Kyary Pamyu Pamyu Nanda Collection World Tour 2014 ~ Singapore

Oh wow!!! What a fun live!! I feel like I had a two hour work out last night. :p

Last night six other friends and I attended KPP's live in Singapore. This is her second live here and her third time in Singapore. I also went to last year's live and wore my KPP 2013 T-shirt to last night's live.

Haha...selfie... So it is a mirror image and the words are flipped. :p

I wasn't sure if I was going to buy the t-shirts last night but I did in the end. Here are photos of the 2014 world tour shirt. I got black in the end because I like black t-shirts. :)

This time Singapore is also printed on the shirt. It wasn't on last year's shirt.

Too bad there wasn't more merchandise. One of my friends wanted to buy the towel but they only had t-shirts yesterday.

I lent my new 2014 shirt to one of my friends who didn't have a KPP shirt and was feeling too broke to buy one. So with her in a KPP shirt too, we were now, all seven of us, in a KPP shirt. Yay!! All ready for an awesome time!!

I was hesitant to buy the KPP CDs yesterday before the live even though the first 300 sold comes with a handshake session with KPP. I just finished making orders for all the Kajiura Yuki, Kalafina and Ieiri Leo CDs and BDs so was feeling like I should be more careful with how I spent my money since I had already purchased the KPP concert T-shirt. So I resisted.

Instead, while one of my friends went to buy the CD, the rest of us spent time taking photos with KPP.

Hahaha...sadly, not KPP herself, instead we snapped shots with her standee. :)

Finally, it was time for the live and we slowly started to stream into the hall. This year the live was held at The Star at Star Vista instead of Scape and there were numbered seats. The Star is a nice and big auditorium and the acoustics are so much nicer than Scape. However, Scape has a live house feel and can be quite fun because of that. So I was a little worried we may not have as much fun in a proper sit-down auditorium. We got very, very, very good seats to this KPP live though. Second row, dead was sooooo awesome!! I definitely enjoyed this year's live more than last year. While live house is fun, it can get really cram when people push forward and even if you got a good spot some guy could cut in and all you can see is his back. :( No danger of that at all at The Star. I like The Star, it is nice and comfortable, the air ventilation is better and the acoustics are much nicer. Also, the hall is slopped so people at the back can get a better look at the stage.

KPP's stage was really bright and colourful.

We didn't know we were not even allowed to take photos of an empty stage before the live. I did take one photo of the stage before we were told we couldn't take ANY photos at all, so I put away my phone for good. See how close we were to the stage though. :)

After that at a little bit past 7pm...the live began. KPP looked so pretty and cute in all her outfits. I like her neon lights dress best. She sang her new yet to be released song last night too. I think it is called "Kira Kira". She also sang her really famous songs like Pon Pon Pon, Fashion Monster, Invader etc. She is so energetic and her backup dancers and her danced non-stop and we tried to keep up. I sucked at following the dance moves so I ended up just punching the air and jumping a lot.

I think one of the crowd favourites was Tsukema Tsukeru (I think that is the title of that son). Everyone around me was doing the dance moves and jumping. If the concert started energetically, it really ended on a crazy high that had the crowd yelling " encore encore" non-stop for quite sometime before she came out again. By the time she sang and we sang and danced along to Chan Chaka Chan Chan I had become a KPP fan!! Yes Kyary!!! See you again!!! :)

After the live my friend Cookie and I were so high that we went and bought KPP's CDs so that we could attend her handshake session.

I wanted to tell her that I enjoyed the live and thank her for it. I managed to spit out "楽しかった、ありがとう!" in the short amount of time we had as she shook our hands. :)

So fun!!! KPP!! Thank you for coming to Singapore, thank you for such a fun live!! And hopefully we will "see you again" in Singapore!! :)

posted from Bloggeroid


x10 said...

I love kpp too ^^ Too bad..she never come to malaysia.

just me said...

Ah... bummer. :( Hopefully, KPP will one day go to Malaysia too and you'll be able to see her live. It's fun. :) Good luck!!