
Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams. - Yeats

UPDATED: Tong Yao Film & TV guide 18th Dec 2024 / Sun Li Film & TV guide 13th May 2024

Saturday, April 04, 2015

Kalafina LIVE THE BEST 2015 “Red Day” & “Blue Day” ~ postcards (better photographs)

Okay... I re-shot these.  I hope that they are better photographs than the ones in the earlier post.

Am doing this for someone who left me a message on the blog.  He/She needed a better photo of Hikaru for drawing reference.

Since I re-shot Hikaru's photo, I thought I'll just to Keiko's and Wakana's solo photos again in better lighting conditions for whoever may like better photos. :P

So here you go... hope this helps you aki.   Sorry... I don't have a scanner that's within easy access at the moment... photos are the best I can do for now.  I tried to shoot an even closer shot of Hikaru's face for you too.  BTW, you should download these photos because they are uploaded at the best resolution my phone camera can do.  :)


I've added a closer shot of the postcard which has the three of them for aki.  That's the closest I can get with my current equipment.  Hope it works. :)



aki said...

omg thank you!! but... I meant the postcard with all three of them, actually. I should've been more specific, orzorz my bad. Do you mind re-taking a picture of that one? (though really all I need is a focus of Hikaru)
sorry for bothering...

just me said...

Ah!!!! Lol!!! OK.... I will try to do it tonight and amend this post. But I am going to AAA's live in Singapore tonight and will be trying to watch the NicoNico's stream for FSN UBW it will prob be kinda late.

If I forget....comment in this post again. I can be a huge procrastinator and v forgetful. :)


aki said...

no problem, I'm patient ^__^ enjoy the live!
and eh fsn starts again today? :o must remember to watch...

also procrastinating is my hobby aka today I didn't write a paper due in the afternoon until after I woke up. Wooo

just me said...

Hello aki,

I've re-shot the postcard with the three of them. I can't get closer with my camera. You should be able to zoom in for a better look at Hikaru's face?

Let me know if you have any problems with it. :)


aki said...

thank you!! it's much clearer, yay :D

just me said...

You are welcome! Happy drawing! :)

aki said...

just wanted to drop by to say I've finally started drawing the picture :D

thanks again for sharing the postcard pics

just me said...

Oh!!! I checked it out. Nice!!! Ganbatte!!! Thanks for letting me know your progress. :)

aki said...

more progress : )

just me said...

OH!!!!!! Looking good!!!! I can't wait to see the final product. :) Ganbatte!!!