Last week, mid-week, I played a killer game of table tennis with one of my colleagues and I have been feeling the aftermath of that game since then. A busy week at work and an even busier weekend, plus a pretty good late night Huang Jianxin movie called "Gimme Kudos" (求求你表扬我) all conspired to make me so tired at work today.
Hence, I decided to take Mahou Shoujo Nanoha to work today cuz I knew that Shinkansen Girl won't have enough magic to try and keep me awake at work. :)
I've been re-watching another Mahou Shoujo anime lately. That's Mai Hime, still my favourite Mahou Shoujo series to date. This plus Mahou Shoujo Madoka means that I really have too much Mahou Shoujo on my mind. :)
Still, I like my Mahou Shoujo anime whether it is the cutesy stuff like Card Captor Sakura or the very odd but excellent Revolutionary Girl Utena. And since I am determined to try and master the Japanese language the best I can, I have been trying to immerse myself with as much Japanese media as I can handle.
With that in mind, I went on a hunt of the Mai Hime drama cds since those were the only Mai Hime related audio that I have yet to listen to. I found out quite belatedly that there are quite a few drama cds out there and none of them are cheap. I did manage to get Mai Hime Drama Cd vol. 1 and listened to it at work today. I didn't understand most of it but enjoyed most of what I could understand due to how lively the script and cast is. And then there is the "lingerie rhapsody" chapter which can be understood without too much Japanese language skills, especially if you know the history between Kuga Natsuki and Fujino Shizuru. This chapter is very funny as long as you're not a stick-in-the-mud. :)
In the end, it took a combo of Nanoha, Mai, Mikoto, Natsuki and Shizuru to drag me from my comatose state long enough for me to finish a good amount of work today. Hahahaha... :)
So... thanks v much himes, I will probably need to call on your powers again. :) k... that's it for now... 待ったね。:)
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