But before that I want to put up two photos I shot during the week at work.
This is titled: Shinkansen Girl is calling me to Tokyo.
Ok, technically, she's not a shinkansen girl, she's tetsutou musume but I like calling her the shinkansen girl. :) And yes, I am suffering from Japan withdrawal again. :) It's all Kajiura Yuki, Kalafina and Mahou Shoujo Madoka's fault. :D. Everytime I hear the Kalafina song Magia or watch the anime, it just reminds me of the Kalafina Spring concert in april which I am not going for. :(
This is titled: Totoro says,"You idiot, you missed the Ghibli Museum!! You better come to Japan again." :)
And yes, I have been to Tokyo twice and have never been to the Ghibli Museum. And why am I thinking of it again?!!? It's cuz Kalafina was singing the Totoro song on their weekly radio program and on hearing it, it made me think of the museum. Kalafina have a weekly radio program on BayFM which I rip quite religiously every week and save it on my hard drives. This week at work, I put all the files in my creative zen portable music player [ and yes, I had to say that cuz I'm anti-apple remember? :D ] and listened to the three women banter while I work.
They are quite entertaining, especially in the later episodes, even though I don't understand a lot of it. I particularly like the one where they talked about Valentines Day in Japan and when they tried to say tongue twisters. Keiko is hilariously bad at them and Hikaru says them really well but in such a deadpan fashion, it is really quite funny too. And of course I like the one where they mentioned that Singaporean fans attended their lives at the Lemon CC Hall last year. :)
Their rendition of the line "Tonari no totoro, totoro. Totoro, totoro..." not only sounded lovely but has also been stuck in my head for days reminding me of my lastest failed attempt at going to the museum. When I first visited Japan, we just did not have enough time in Tokyo to go to the museum without feeling stress. Also, we were all so busy at work before we left, no one had anytime to do proper prep at all, so no one made arrangements to get the tickets.
Before my second trip last year, we had fixed the date and planned to go but in the end there was a misunderstanding as to who was suppose to get the tickets and so the tickets were never bought. Bummer. :(
Hence, even Totoro is telling me I am an idiot. Hahahaha... :)
I did these photos initially cuz I was bored but after shooting the second one, I have more ideas for others. So maybe I will shoot a few more goofy shots in the next couple of weeks, just for fun. :)
For now, oyasumi. :)
I think you will love the Studio Ghibli museum. I did -- even if I wish there were more Torotos in it... kinda like with the movie too, actually!
At the same time, can understand your not having gone there yet. It does take some planning to go there -- and it isn't in central Tokyo after all (but all the better for being so, I reckon). :)
Yeah, I think I would love it too. I really want to go. I would have too in Dec but it was a silly misunderstanding. I thought my friend was going to ask her friend and she thought I was going to ask mine. By the time we discovered out mistake, it was too late and all the tickets were sold out. :(
I was really quite disappointed. :(
Yeah, I like it that it isn't right smack in Tokyo too. Gives it a more world away from this world kind of feel. :) Am planning to go to Japan again this year. My friend wants to do Hokkaido and we'll probably stop in Tokyo to visit friends and go to the Ghibli Museum and eat of course. :D
I really hope that our trip will coincide with a Kalafina or FictionJunction concert too, then it would be perfect. :)
hello...coming by here.. do keep in touch...
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