Here is yet another early morning post written in bed right before I sleep. :) I am happy cuz my Magia cds finally arrived in the mail no thanks to playasia. :) After last week's debacle, I cancelled by playasia order and placed an order with cdjapan and in just a couple of days, I have them. :) Now I can finally do my flac rips and place them in my portable music player.
I suppose, it is just as well I got them from cdjapan. :) While I know yesasia's sales count towards the oricon charts, and so does cdjapan's, I have no idea if playasia's count towards the charts. With this purchase from yesasia, I know that I was one of those who helped Kalafina to their best opening week for sales of their singles. The previous single that held that crown was Oblivious, I believe. I think the the Magia single peaked at no.4 on the oricon charts in the opening week. Awesome, results for kalafina and kajiura. I think there is hope for a kalafina concert in the next half of the year. :)
Here is a photo of my current Kajiura music stash. :) it is going to grow too cuz I already pre-ordered her second solo album, Fiction II and the soon to be release Kara no Kyoukai soundtrack, as well as the Rekishi 2 soundtrack album. :)
Good thing I am working again. :)
Kajiura Yuki also announced that there will be a Fiction II concert. I am thinking that it would most likely feature the FictionJunction girls and possibly a guest star or two. The concert is in june and if the FictionJunction utahimes are singing I would be super interested to try to go for that concert since there will be kalafina/FJ Keiko and FJ kaori who is my second favourite kajiura regular.
Anyway, gotta sleep. Have just started work on a pretty difficult shot. :( need to rest and store energy for later today. Hopefully will have time to write about mahou shoujo madoka ep 7 later tonight.
K... oyasumi. :)
p.s. I'm really tempted to buy the Mahou Shoujo Madoka dvd/blu-ray limited edition 2 which contains ep 3 & 4 of the anime and most importantly the OST vol.1 but it's expensive and has no English subs. :( Stefanie Sun is also going to be releasing her album in March... finally, but that means arrrrgggghhhhh.... I need a freelance gig outside of my main job. :)
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