
Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams. - Yeats

UPDATED: Tong Yao Film & TV guide 18th Dec 2024 / Sun Li Film & TV guide 13th May 2024

Friday, July 24, 2015

Kalafina ~ LIVE THE BEST 2015 Red / Blue Day BUDOKAN LIVE PHOTOBOOK - unboxing

It was a really long and stressful day at work. So in order to unwind before I start work on something personal, I decided to do this unboxing. :P

This is the "unboxing" of the Kalafina Budokan Live Photo Book which seems to be an Animate exclusive since no one else, including the Space Craft online webstore, seems to be offering this at this point in time.

When you first look at it, the cover doesn't look like much does it?  Just a book with a cover of a dark bluish background and some rays of light.  Well... wait till you open it. :P  The good stuff is all inside. :)

First, some photos of the cover before I get to the inside of the book.

To give you some idea of the dimensions of the book.  I placed the Kalafina "Blue Day" BD on top of it.  You can tell that isn't a small book at all.  It's probably A4 size which would make it about 210 × 297mm.  The plastic shrink wrap makes the book appear to be quite glossy but once the shrink wrap comes off, you can tell immediately that it isn't glossy at all.  It has a matte finish which is, unfortunately a little delicate, because I was a little careless and I placed a few things on the book and now the cover has several scratches on it. :(


These are photos of the front and back cover as well as the obi strip.


The binding isn't the nicest of bindings but it's okay. It's the standard kind of binding for this kind of book.  I had trouble trying to shoot the spine of the book, so that photo will have to do. :P

Now here's the good part. :)  The book is really packed full of photos and it's full color from edge to edge.  Very nice!! :)


As usual, I'll only provide some sample photos and they'll be photos only, no scans. I don't want to ruin the binding and I don't have easy access to a scanner anyway.

I counted something like 96 pages, excluding the front and back covers.  I could have lost count though and there are no page numbers, so let's just say it's about 96 pages and most of it is photos. The only text bits are the titles of the lives superimposed on a few photos and the credit pages at the end.  The photos are printed on nice quality paper.  Most of the photos are quite nicely reproduced, although they did have the tendency to push the exposure too high on what I think are some of the darker shots, Those photos looked a little wash out.  Other than that, nothing that would be a deal breaker at all.

In my opinion, any Kalafina fan would love to own this book and if you attended the Budokan lives, you'll want this book very much indeed. :)

There you go, my short unboxing post for the book.

CDJapan was offering to get this for you but please note that they are acting as a proxy buyer for you.  Hence, it would be more expensive. At the time of writing, they have changed that status to "out of print". If you would still like to check if they have changed that status, you can  CLICK ME. [Oh... looks like now that it's back in stock on Animate's webstore, CDJapan is saying it's available again... best to keep checking if you miss this round or re-prints and would like it too.]

A quick check with Animate's online store shows that they too have stopped accepting orders.  CLICK ME.  The webpage states "販売終了".  Which pretty much means that sales for this item has ended. Well, at least, their online store no longer carries it at the time of writing.  But their brick and mortar stores may still carry the item.  This item went "out of print" a few times during the pre-order period.  So.... maybe.... maybe... it may come back again?  I really don't know and I personally don't think it will.   But if you want to check, you can click that link and check it if you like. 
[ Looks like Animate has it back in stock again. Thanks Kyouko Sakura for the heads up. :)  This means that you can try and use a proxy buyer to get this for you again if you don't have someone in Japan to help you with it. :) ]

Whatever the case, let's just say that I am most grateful that my friend helped me to buy this item and carry it back safely to Singapore for me. :)  I'm really happy that I have this book.  :)

The Budokan lives meant a lot to Kalafina and when I was in the arena on both those days, I really felt how much it meant to them. The atmosphere was so good, they performed so well, it was so emotionally charged and it made me an even bigger fan than I already am.  I'm addicted to their lives now, like I am addicted to Yuki Kajiura's lives.  I'm really happy that I'm going to go to October's lives. Those two lives at the Tokyo Forum A will kickstart the far on the water Japan tour.  And my friend also informed me earlier today that I won tickets to Jan's far on the water Special Lives in Tokyo too.  Those two lives will end the tour.  I'm sooooooo excited about both these lives!!! Man.... I have to save hard now!! :)

Okay... time to get some work done.  I somehow have so much energy now even though it's crazy late.  Time to get some personal work done before I hopefully feel tired enough to sleep. :P

cheers :)


Unknown said...
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just me said...

Oh!! Yah you're right! It's back in stock!! Yay for fans!! Maybe they are doing another print run. If so, it must be selling well. :) If it's still in stock when I go to Tokyo in October, I might buy a copy as a gift for a friend. We'll see. :)

Yeah, I think it's a nice book too and Kalafina fans should be quite happy with it. :) I know we both are. :)

I have a lot of missing pamphlets. :( Like I don't have the Christmas ones and Gin no Niwa live etc. I'm just working on buying all those CDs and going to the lives in Japan and concert goods etc. Those pamphlets I don't yet have will have to wait. :(

I have To the Beginning's pamphlet. I was lucky enough to have been able to attend that special live that year in Tokyo. :)

just me said...

Oh... how did your comment get deleted Kyouko Sakura? I didn't do it. :(