
Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams. - Yeats

UPDATED: Tong Yao Film & TV guide 18th Dec 2024 / Sun Li Film & TV guide 13th May 2024

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Yuki Kajiura Live vol.12 Day 1 part 2

That is a photo of photos of Kajiura Yuki from the pamphlet that I bought at the live. :)

I will keep this pretty short because I know that there are other people who can write and will probably write better about the live.
I just wanna gush a little about how high I am now. TBH, I thought FictionJunction had a slightly shakey start but after they settled it was pretty much pure awesomeness for me from then on. I loved the live. I thought it was awesome!! I was mezmerise!! :)

Being a Keiko fan too, I was super happy to hear hitorigoto, gin no hashi and hoshizuku live. I love these songs. And I like the live version if hitorigoto better than the studiplo versio because I generally and not super fond of the saxaphone. I prefer the flute.

Then there was the OMG Kajiura Yuki is a genius portion where she self covered four See-Saw songs. It was like one of the highlights of the live for me. How does she do it? She actually seems capable of reinterpreting and rearranging her own songs in multiple ways and each version is equally awesome.

There were no guest vocalists today. To be honest, I am not really unhappy about that. While I like the guests vocalists a lot, I also really like FictionJunction A LOT and it is always a struggle for want a guest vocalist or want more of FJ? Usually, wanting more of FJ wins out a little.

Keiko and Kaori are really good at getting the crowd going, they are also the two that danced the most as usual. Keiko in particular is really good at connecting with the audience. Several times she'll bend forward and seem to try and connect with with those whom she could see clearly up front. And she would run from side to side to encourage us to so the hand movements and give everyone a big OK when we do it and get it right. I really like it that about her.

Kajiura sensei also got us singing along this time. Last song for the night was Yume no Tsubasa and we were tasked with "la la la"-ing along. I really sang very loudly! Keiko was a great cheerleader here too. :P

The only imperfection for me was that they didn't sing Gaika. I would love to hear that live. That is a Nihongo-only song, if I remember correctly.

Oh....Kajiura sensei also talked about the name FictionJunction. My Japanese is weak so I didn't understand everything....I hope I understood it correct too. I think she said that she likes fiction. And to her fiction means creating things. So her music is like her creating a things. Junction is like a traffic junction. And she and the utahimes meet at this junction where they help her create fiction. When they sing, they are creating their own fiction too. I thought it was interesting. Not sure if she every talked about it before but I didn't know this previously. Disclaimer though, I am writing entirely from memory and what I could understand. :)

Oh......and one last thing. While I didn't get the best seat in the hall. My seat was pretty good for me because I have a direct line of sight to Keiko. :P It was good that I was by the aisle too because I am short and the guy in front of me was blocking me a little. This way I could learn out into the aisle and get a great view of Keiko. She was hardly ever blocked. :D Actually, my seat also gave me good views if everyone actually...just that the direct line of sight for Keiko is extra awesome for me. Hahahaha!!  p

Okay....I think that's it from me. I have to get ready for bed too. Long day tomorrow and I have Day 2 lives at night. :) Good night.


putschki1969 said...

Oh wow!!!! That sounds amazing!! Glad you had so much fun!!!! Would have loved to listened to the SeeSaw covers!!! I really enjoy them a lot. Which songs did they cover?

Those pics of Keiko from the pamphlet are absolutely stunning!!! *sighs* Did she wear that outfit during the concert?

Are you going to the other concerts as well? :-)
Have fun during your stay in Japan!


PS: I linked to your post on tumblr, hope that's alright!

Hatou said...

Needs a thousand and one nights too. It's the last dot hack song that hasn't been covered, isn't it? Obsession doesn't count. :p

just me said...

Hi putschki196911,

No problem, regarding linking to your tumble page. :)

Yes, the live was really good. I love it. :)

Unfortunately, I am terrible with song titles and I dont know the titles. But I know the songs themselves of course since I have listened to them numerous times. :P

I will be going to all the six lives in Tokyo. :) I am not sure if I will write comments about all of them after the live but I will try. :)

Keiko looked really pretty to me at the live. She was wearing a different outfit. Sorta a pinkish top I think.
She sounded mostly really awesome to me during the live. :D

Cheers! :)

just me said...

Hello Hatou!

After last night, I not only want Kajiura Yuki to cover all .hack songs, I want her to keep on self covering the rest of her songs.

I like the See-Saw songs a lot and I like Ishikawa Chiaki in them. I didn't expect Kajiura Yuki to cover them and do such an incredible job with it. And FictionJunction really rose to the occasion didn't they. On that first song, I would have thought that Keiko would do the Kaori parts but I think Kaori did a great job with it. Keiko though was smoking hot for me in the See-Saw covers. I loved her to bits. Sooooo dangerously dark and sexy. LOL!!! Of course I will be the first to admit that I am terribly bias....but I can't help it. I seriously love Keiko's voice and love her the most at the lives, next to Kajiura Yuki of course. :P

Can't wait for tonight!! :)

cindyting said...

How's performance of Wakana ?? I'm kind of worried about her voice though

just me said...

Hello cindyting,
Sorry for the late reply. Am on the move a lot these few days.
Wakana on Day 1? Hmmmmm...I thought she sounded fine. A little different maybe, especially when she sang the See-Saw covers, sounded different. It isn't bad, just different. I liked her in the See-Saw covers. Actually all of them were great in the See-Saw covers.
Hope that sets your heart at ease. :)

cindyting said...

Oh, Thanks for telling me :)
I'm still not having the chance of watching their lives yet, but just great when reading the reviews from those who attended their lives. Hope to read your reviews soon...if u plan to write it :D

just me said...

Hi again! I sincerely hope that one day all fans have the chance to watch both Kajiura Yuki's live with and without FictionJunction and Kalafina lives as well. I think that Kajiura Yuki's music must be seen and heard live, especially in Japan where they have their full crew etc, to completely understand why people like me cannot get enough. It is like a drug! :)

Unfortunately, I won't be writing a full review of the lives. I certainly can't do it song by song or even section by section. I know I won't have time for that and I didn't take notes too. :( The best I can do are these overall comments and impressions that I write as soon as I can after each live. :)

I am glad you enjoyed reading them and thank you for leaving me a message. :)
