
Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams. - Yeats

UPDATED: Tong Yao Film & TV guide 18th Dec 2024 / Sun Li Film & TV guide 13th May 2024

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Ninomiya Ai tweets about Kalafina on Utage!

I am mobile blogging from my phone right now. Will be on the move quite a bit today so will not be able to try and hunt last night's Utage! episode down.

According to Ninomiya Ai, who sang a cover of Frozen's Let it Go, Kalafina sang that song together with her? (TBH I don't really have time to check if that is her official twitter account...will do that when I can. :) )
I must admit I don't know much about singers outside of anisong but I will go check her out when I can because she's not bad at all.

Here is her singing Let it Go.

Ninomiya Ai is covering the English version of the song. The supers on the photo of the screen of Kalafina on Utage! say Matsu Takako's Let it Go which would be the Japanese version of the song. So if I understand her tweet correctly, they they sang the Japanese cover of the song.

Hopefully I will be able to find Kalafina's performance on Utage! some where online soon. Fingers crossed. :)

Hopefully I am not speculating too much too but I really have nothing much to go on except this tweet. :P When I am able to, I will try and find this and watch it. Okay...have to go!!!


Anonymous said...

just me said...

Is that the video? Oh....tks!!! Will check when I get a chance. Really on the move most of the time today. *sweat !!! :P

just me said...

Thanks v much for the link Anonymous. :) I managed to squeeze out sometime and streamed it on my phone. A little strange to partner them with Ninomiya Ai, I think they all had a little trouble figuring out how loud to sing when they first stepped out. :) seemed reasonably good and it was nice to see them on TV again.