The biggest thing that helped me get over that huge disappointment was that angela is coming down, YAY!!!, and I think the likelihood of them singing "Sidonia", the theme song for "Knights of Sidonia" is extremely high. And there is a good reason why I say that. :) One of the featured animes for this year is "Knights of Sidonia". I haven't finished the series yet but I like what I've watched so far and I LOVE angela's theme song for the anime.
Kitamura Eri who sings the end theme song for KoS and who is also the seiyuu for the Honoko sisters will also be in SG. KitaEri was also Miki Sayaka in Madoka Magica and it's her first time at AFA. Okay, I will be the first to admit that I am not a seiyuu fan in general. But hanging around seiyuu fanatics these last few months have made me pay more attention to them than I have ever before... so yeah... I guess I am somewhat excited that KitaEri is coming. :P Of course, if Honda Takako comes it would be AWESOME. I mean she has a bit part in KoS so she could technically come because KoS is a featured anime.... but sadly, Honda Takako isn't really the kind of seiyuu that has legions of young excited fans. She's probably the kind of seiyuu whom a lot of people like, but they just aren't fanatic about. HOWEVER, for me, Honda Takako is my favourite ever!!! And someday I hope that I will have time to write a post on her. :)
This year's AFA is HUGE. There are so many things happening that I have to say that I am having trouble tracking all of them.
I'm hoping to get angela's autograph again so I'm going to have to head over to the Starchild booth to try and buy the Knights of Sidonia CD. The biggest reason why I haven't picked this one up yet is because of AFA. I was waiting to see if there would be an autograph session with the purchase of certain items and there is. So I will probably pick up the KoS CD and maybe the K CD.
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Then there is the Psycho Pass section where one can check out the Dominator gun, and there is the Attack on Titan section where one can try on the full nerve gear. And there is the Niconico Kunikaigi which sounds interesting.
And also there is the Aniplex booth and Fate/stay night UBW is also one of the featured anime at AFA this year. This year Saber is coming to AFA. :) Okay not Saber herself, but her seiyuu Kawasumi Ayako is. Hmmmmm..... I kind of wanna go for her autograph session but you'll need to spend SGD80 to try and get a ticket. Oh GOD.... so many decisions. :P Yes, I'm not really a seiyuu fan BUT it's SABER !!! :P
It's also really not that hard for me to hit SGD80 because the Aniplex booth will have Madoka Magica merchandise and FSN [UBW] merchandise for sale. I could easily hit SGD80. :P
And there is one stage event I'm really keen to attend and that is the FSN event. Too bad ufotable isn't sending anyone down to AFA. Still.... at least there is a stage event for FSN, so I'm happy.
There is one stage event for Psycho Pass too but it's on Sunday and I can't be at AFA till past 5pm on Sunday, so I'll have to miss that. :(
Also, there is REVO on Thursday night but I can't get out of work, so I think I'll have to give that a miss. :(
I'm getting quite pumped about the festival now. Can't wait!!! Now though, it's time to sleep. Long day tomorrow so about time I end my rambling post. :P Good night!! :)
Hi, were you for the FSN showcase? i was not there in time and am dying to know was going on in there. did saber read out any scripts?
Yup, I had to dash over from an angela autograph session that clashed with FSN on the main stage but I was in time to hear Kawasumi Ayako start by saying "Are you my master?" at the beginning and in the middle she used her Saber voice and voiced Saber's signature line.
It was really cool to hear Saber live and over the speakers. :)
I wish she did more, like Chiwa Saito did when she was at AFA. She did a scene from Madoka Magica as Akemi Homura and it was VERY COOL!!
Still...I was just really happy to make it to the mainstage for the event and to hear Kawasumi san voice that line. :)
It was a pretty interesting and enjoyable stage event too. Worth going IMO. :)
yup, that was the line that made me fell in love with saber. but luckily there are people who recorded that part but wish i could hear it live. omg Akemi! i vow to check out afa every year. i got lost my first time now i know. THanks! keep the blog going, i have added to my feed.
Hello asdf,
Thanks for the adding my blog to your feed. :)
I hope you enjoyed AFA2014. I really do think that this is one of the best AFAs I've been to. Previously, I was mostly just excited by AFA if Kalafina or angela or someone I liked was going to be at the anisong lives. Sometimes the movie screenings or the stage events would make me excited. But this year, I really do think the exhibition itself was pretty good. Even without the stage events and the anisong events, the exhibition itself was pretty enjoyable.
I really did enjoy the Aniplus HD booth and the niconico Kunikaigi area. I think those were my favourite booths. Those and Starchild of course since I go to Starchild to get my autographs for angela. :) Ministage was pretty good too. Lots of stuff and some nice free things and events too.
I'm still recovering from the festival. Both tired but was hard being at work today. :P
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