
Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams. - Yeats

UPDATED: Tong Yao Film & TV guide 18th Dec 2024 / Sun Li Film & TV guide 13th May 2024

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Yuki Kajiura Live vol. 10 Kaji Fes. ~ concert merchandise - pouch

I actually wanted to do a longer post today.  I was thinking of either writing about the Japan trip or AFA13 or something... but I ended up putting in some OT last night and tonight and it's pretty late.  So I think I'll just do simple "unboxing" post. :)

Originally, I was going to use a proxy service to pick up some Kajiura Yuki and Kalafina items from the Spacecraft store but the Spacecraft webstore is kind of buggy and the proxy service gave up after a few tries.  So I could not take the easy way out and had to do it myself.  I must say, I am kind of proud of myself because although it took forever, I managed to do it and sent the package to one of my friends and picked it up from her just recently when I went to Japan. :)

And because I saved on the service fees on the proxy service, I decided to reward myself :P with getting an item I liked but was always lower on my want list. :)

This time I picked up the pouch that was released for the the Yuki Kajiura Live vol. 10 Kaji Fes. from earlier this year.

I like these pouches and I bought one when I attended the 3 day live in 2012 and I use it everyday to carry my spare batteries for my cell phone.   I did an "unboxing" of it previously.  Click me to check that out if you're interested.

Here are the photos of the pouch.


The pouch comes with some candy in it.  I think it says black sugar candy.  I haven't tried it yet.  I don't know if the packaging means anything but if you look carefully, it looks like the little plastic wrapping round the candy has the picture of a cute little face, doesn't it? :)


Finally, here are two photos of this pouch and the pouch I got in 2012.  They look nice, don't they? :)


Okay... that's it for tonight... off to bed. :)  Good night. :)


Silentwolf87 said...

uhuu- that candy- i remember that- but i didnt buy it last time- huhu-

just me said...

I always hesitate when I see these pouches. I like them but then I keep thinking maybe I should save the money to buy something else.

So it's often low on my priority list but I really like them and am very happy to have bought them. I haven't figured out yet what I'll do with the 2nd pouch but I use the first one I got all the time, so it's proved more useful than I originally thought it would be. :)