
Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams. - Yeats

UPDATED: Tong Yao Film & TV guide 18th Dec 2024 / Sun Li Film & TV guide 13th May 2024

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Fate/zero theme ufotable cafe

ufotable (@ufotable) tweeted at 6:31 PM on Tue, Nov 13, 2012:Fate /ゼロカフェ特設サイトの公開をお知らせ致します。不定期に落書きやweb漫画が更新されてゆきます:) 何卒、お楽しみあれ!

Actually I am posting this mostly to test how posting from twitter to my blog via bloggeroid works. :-)

This tweet is about the Fate/Zero theme cafe at the ufotable cafe. I'm not sure when it began I didn't really go check it. I have been to the ufotable cafe near Nakano station in Tokyo. It was quite cool. When I went, the cafe was hosting one of the Tales themes. Too bad I am not familiar with any of the games but it was still nice to be able to check out some of the artwork up close.

ufotable also announced in that tweet that there will be a Fate/Zero web manga. I went to check it out but it's not up yet.

That's it for now. I will be on my way home soon. Had to work today so am feeling a little tired and sleepy after dinner. Hopefully I can get a seat on the train, I might try and nap. :-)

posted from Bloggeroid


shangyou said...

Omg Fate/Zero and ufotable cafe! I wanna go. (Never been to Japan before. Or any other country apart from Singapore and Malaysia for that matter.) T_T
BTW, the Kalafina 5th Anniversary Live Selection DVD/Blu-ray is up for Pre-order! Please help me pre-order it when you pre-order yours! Just let me know how much money to transfer to you and when. :D

just me said...

Hi hi....

Oooooo... tks v much for the in for on the Kalafina 5th Anniversary Live Selection DVD/Blu-ray. I haven't been online much these last two days...still recovering from the weekend. :p

Will pre-order one for u and me. :)

Someday...when you have the time and opportunity... go check out Japan. I think you will like it since you like anime, anisong and their pop-culture... like me. :)

If you need any tips, I can give you some if it's Tokyo and greater Tokyo. And a bit about Hokkaido. While I've been to Osaka, Hiroshima and Kyoto, it was many years ago and I don't remember that much any more.

cheers :)