The above photo is of the concert venue as we were about to leave from a side exit. This venue feels bigger than the Suntec Convention Centre venue. I think so far, I prefer the Expo to Suntec. Our seats were on the far right of the stage, 9th row. It was a little hard to see T.M.R. from where we were seated but when I was able to see him through the sea of heads, we were close enough for me to see his face quite clearly.
The sound system was deafening where we were cuz the large speakers were really blasting away. Our seats aren't optimum so there was some muffling of the sound as well and I couldn't really hear what T.M. was saying most of the time... so we just cheered at whatever he was saying. :)
The concert was really fun and I jumped and danced so much I got really hungry after the concert and had to get something to eat. :P

The truth is I don't know all the songs but I know his Seventh Heaven album quite well. Its a funny story for me. Before I was a huge Kalafina fan, I was checking out their music when I chanced upon TM's Seventh Heaven album because I thought it was Kalafina's Seventh Heaven album. I ended up really liking T.M.'s Seventh Heaven album. Hahahaha... I just can't seem to get away from Kajiura Yuki and Kalafina. :)
Anyway, when they announced that T.M.Revolution was coming for AFA, I was quite excited and happy. The only VIP tickets we bought for this year's AFA was to T.M.Revolution's concert.
We were so high after the concert, bought some merchandise too. :P The Hello Kitty cross over is so cute. The towel is nice too. The small Hello Kitty is cute and it is mine. :)

They are setting up for tomorrow's festival. :) Can't wait for tomorrow's Madoka movie screening.
K.... going to go now!!! Got to make my way home
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