
Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams. - Yeats

UPDATED: Tong Yao Film & TV guide 18th Dec 2024 / Sun Li Film & TV guide 13th May 2024

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

TYPE-MOON Fes. 10th Anniv BD Box ~ cover art & tokuten

I've been really, really busy at work lately and had to put a lot of things on hold, blogging included.  So all the AFA2012 posts had to wait, unfortunately. :(  But as I am currently mostly a Kajiura Yuki fan, I decided that this post take precedence. :D

While browsing through CDJapan, for some reason, I decided to revisit the Type-Moon Festival 10th Anniversary BD Box set product page and found out that the page has been updated to include a First Press release bonus.  And although CDJapan was not able to provide any details, it looks like it will be a poster.

So I decided to check out Type-Moon's website.  I should start following Type-Moon on twitter too since I like a lot of their stuff.  Anyway, I checked out Type-Moon's website and followed a link to their 10th Anniversary festival page.

Type-Moon has been updating their news section with news on this release but I haven't been keeping up.  If my Japanese doesn't fail me again.  I think that the picture that they posted up yesterday is the cover-art for this BD box release.  The picture that is currently posted up on CDJapan's product page is merely a place-holder.  Here, on the left, is the jacket illustration for this very exciting release. :)

The other piece of news of interest to me is about the tokuten that Type-Moon will be giving out to those who order this release early.  While, as usual, CDJapan isn't listed in the shops in the post, it is likely that these are the posters that will be given out to those who ordered early enough to get the First Press release of this item.

If I did not read it wrong, it looks like the bonus on this occasion will be a set of two A3 size posters.  Type-Moon also posted up the sample illustrations on their website and they look like this.

Very nice for fans of Type-Moon's work. :)

But for Kajiura Yuki's fans, the biggest reasons to get this set is for both Kajiura Yuki and Kalafina.  Both Kajiura Yuki and the vocal unit she produces performed at the Type-Moon 10th Anniv Festival and their performances are included in this BD release. :)

I've already pre-ordered mine. :)  There are currently only 20 copies of the First Press edition available at CDJapan, so if you want the tokuten posters, you might want to considering placing an order soon. :)

K... time for bed... it's approx 2:30am... way past the time I had originally intended to sleep at. :p  Oyasumi. :)

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