
Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams. - Yeats

UPDATED: Tong Yao Film & TV guide 18th Dec 2024 / Sun Li Film & TV guide 13th May 2024

Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Kalafina ~ Consolation - unboxing part 4

One of the problems I have had recently with blogging is that by the time I get home, all I really want to do is sleep. Last night was no exception... I could barely stay awake.

Hence, I will attempt to do this at the dining table instead of at my comp because this way I will be forced to be less long winded. :p

Here are the photos of the special photobook. I will attempt to upload four photos since I am on wifi. :) Enjoy!!

The photo book is rather nice and thick too... I counted approximately 58 pages Good quality paper and stylistically shot and treated. Mostly earth tones, sepia or almost black&white. Lots of low light, dramatic lighting, some low depth of field and even motion blur. Seems to me they may have been trying for a retro camera kind of look which would not be unsual because of their link to Kajiura Yuki and because their music, no matter how modern or rock, often have shades of classical music, or classical styles or world music in them. Maybe not everyone will like this conceptual treatment because you don't always get to see their faces clearly. But I like it because it makes this photo book different from the run-of-the-mill idol photo books.

I will upload more photos of this photobook in the next post and then after that...will be the CD and BD and the CD insert booklet. :) Enjoy.

And as usual...please buy the album if you can afford it. Here are the links to get them at CDJapan, feel free to use these. :)

Regular Edition

Limited Edition + DVD

Limited Edition + Blu-ray
posted from Bloggeroid

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