
Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams. - Yeats

UPDATED: Tong Yao Film & TV guide 18th Dec 2024 / Sun Li Film & TV guide 13th May 2024

Sunday, April 07, 2013

Kalafina ~ Consolation - unboxing part 1

Ever since I started doing prep at work, I've often been too tired to do much more than my Japanese homework when I am not doing something related to my work. Even blogging about Kajiura Yuki, FictionJunction and Kalafina has had to take a back seat and I think I have lost some steam. :(

In an attempt to kick start the blog again... I will attempt to do the unboxing of Kalafina's newest album via mobile blogging. :) It'll be tricky and will have to be in multiple parts because uploading too many photos often causes the app to simply not work...but this might get my engines running again and once I am in the roll, I think... I hope... I will be up to speed again. :)

Anyways... first up... here are the photos of the free postcard those who ordered the First Press release through CDJapan received. Kinda nice. Although these aren't closeups or even mid shots of the trio...still... i like the overall concept and feel of the photos for this new album.

I began this post with a photo of the front of the postcard... and I will end with a photo of the back of the postcard. :) Enjoy!

posted from Bloggeroid

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