
Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams. - Yeats

UPDATED: Tong Yao Film & TV guide 18th Dec 2024 / Sun Li Film & TV guide 13th May 2024

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Japan Trip Feb/Mar 2015 ~ Day 3 p1 - Bessatsu Kadokawa Kalafina wallpapers

Good morning!!  Today is the first day of Kalafina's first Budokan live. :)  I'm really looking forward to it. :)  This is the first thing I saw this morning when I finally checked my email. :)

Meanwhile, I received an email from Kadokawa with a "personalised" message from Kalafina and 4 attached wallpaers. :)  I got this email two days ago but I only just checked my email account. :)

Well, I write "personalised" because I don't think they wrote separate messages to everyone.  What they did though was start each email with your name.  The message was mostly about thanking you for buying the magazine and asking you to enjoy the magazine.  The message also said that the photos in this magazine will be of a more relaxed Kalafina, at least more relaxed then their previous photo shoots.  They talked a bit about how they felt honoured and that it was a miracle that they were able to hold their live in the Budokan. Then they thanked us for our support and asked for our continued support.  I'm just summarising it. :)

The email came with four attachments.  There are only two different poses actually. (note: I resized the photos a little because I'm on some limited data plan and I'm not sure how much I have every little bit counts... but they should still be at a nice enough size for people to get a good look at it...sorry about that.)

The first pose.

The second pose.  The version for the iPhone and the Keitai are exactly the same except for size differences so I'll only upload one.  The one for the android has the signatures by the side but the pose is the same.

I don't have the magazine yet and I'm not sure if it has shipped.  It's going to my friend who lives in Tokyo but I haven't had a chance to meet her yet.  Hopefully, she'll have it tonight. :)

I actually pre-ordered two of these.  One from Kadokawa and one from the Spacecraft store.  One is for a friend, the other is for me. But it means we'll get two different tokutens. :)

Okay...l time to get ready to go. :)

p.s. if you are looking to buy this magazine, several online shops have it already.  I usually pick up my stuff from CDJapan, you are welcome to use them too if you like.  CLICK ME


ClaraS said...

Hi there! I'm watching kalafina's live tonight and tomorrow night too! Thought about go line up for goods 12pm today but I'll see if I can buy their goods after live tonight...if cannot then I'll go line up tomorrow before noon :)

just me said...

I just arrived at the Budokan and am in line to buy goods. I wonder how early some people came...I walked by some people who were talking in Cantonese...they were almost at the top of the line. I think they maybe from Hong Kong.
Cold. We dont get winters in Singapore... Not used to this... :P

just me said...

Maybe we may be lucky and meet at the Budokan these two days. :)

ClaraS said...

Wow, probably I have to go line up early tomorrow then! Will you go line up for goods tomorrow too? Ya, may be we'll run into each other! ;)

just me said...

I haven't decided if I will buy more stuff yet but I am tempted by the blue shirt and maybe the keychain which I didn't buy today...and maybe even the tea with coasters. So I may go get but I won't go as early as today bec I have a friend with me and she isn't going to tomorrow's live. :(
They started the sales line early today by half hour. It wasn't stressful at all, so I think tomorrow should be fine.
Hahaha...would be nice to run into each other. :)

Unknown said...

You're a lifesaver! ^_^ I have bought this from the Kadokawa store itself, but since I didn't have a smartphone at the time, I only downloaded the keitai version. Now that I have one, I checked the e-mail I got and unfortunately, they have taken down the photos from their server </3 Now I am using the one you uploaded on your blog for my Android phone.

Just a question though. Do you still have the full resolution Android version? If yes, would it be possible to send it to me via e-mail? Thank you so much! m(_ _)m

- Ruu

just me said...

Hello Clarisse,

Oh.... bummer.... it's not on their servers anymore? :(

I do have the full resolution ones saved somewhere. I need to look for it. :)

Please give me your email either here in the comments section or via DM on twitter if you prefer. :)