
Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams. - Yeats

UPDATED: Tong Yao Film & TV guide 18th Dec 2024 / Sun Li Film & TV guide 13th May 2024

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magika - ep2

I watched ep2 of Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magika on the way to work yesterday morning.  I finally got around to encoding an mp4 to put onto the milestone so that I can watch it on the way to work.  These days, it seems like "on the way to work" is turning out to be one of my more productive non-work moments in the day. :)

Anyway, back to the anime. :)  Not a whole lot of stuff happens in terms of the story in ep2 but it's still pretty interesting as ep2 pretty much outlines what it takes to become a mahou shojo.  And some of what is said seems to indicate some very dark possibilities.

Gosh if it wasn't so late at night, I would write a much more detailed post but it's almost 3am and I really will need to sleep soon.

So I'm going to try and outline quickly what my thoughts are and maybe if I get a chance expand on them tomorrow.

The visuals in this anime are quite impressive and different.  It seems to lean very heavily towards modern art both in the architectural designs and the use of surrealism and collage in the magical world sequences.

Common visual motifs used in this anime are:

1) Large spaces and small characters

2) Lots of reflections

3) Lots of doorways and long corridors

4) Lots of glass

If I have some time tomorrow night, I would like to write a more extensive post partly because I actually watched ep2 again tonight and paid far more attention to the visuals rather than the story and music and I kind of want to talk about it.  But for now... this will really have to do if I hope to be able to function at all at work tomorrow. :)

Just one thing before I dash.  It seems like Kalafina's Magia will be use as a sort of battle theme.  This particular rendition of Magia in ep2 seems to have undergone some kind of pitch change and it doesn't sound quite as deep.  Weird.  Oh... and Kajiura Yuki's bgm is totally working for me in this series.  I like it very much. :)

Night guys. :)

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