
Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams. - Yeats

UPDATED: Tong Yao Film & TV guide 25th April 2024

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Eastern europe day 11

The traffic in Vienna was particularly bad so by the time we got to the restaurant, we only had 20 mins for dinner because 9 of us bought tickets to a performance in Brahms Hall. The above is a photo of the concert hall. Even though it isn't the main hall, it's still pretty opulent, isn't it? Sorry the photo isn't very clear, the light was a little low and i was unable to keep my hand steady. The ticket cost me 49euros and the trip back cost us 7euros each. The performers were dressed in traditional european costumes and it was a mix of symphonic music and opera. I really rather liked this performance. It wasn't the full orchestra but the music was still good and so were the singers. The conductor was loads of fun as he introduced some audience participation my conducting the audience in accompanying the orchestra by clapping along at points. Kinda cool. :-) it's off to salzburg next.

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