Hello guys,
Am back from my 15 day trip to E. Europe. I actually flew back into Singapore yesterday evening and had to attend my father's 70th birthday celebration that very night itself and hence, did not try to update the blog to include the rest of Day 13 as well as Days 14 & 15.
I will probably not complete the entries for E. Europe tonight as the main purpose of this particular entry was to let you guys know that I'm back and had a very good time in E. Europe and also that I do intend to complete the missing entries soon.
Would have liked to have continued mobile blogging days 13 - 15 but got too tired and busy travelling to finish it up. I will continue to use the photos from the SE cell phone camera to complete my account of my trip to E. Europe before attempting to tackle the rest of the 100s of photos I took in E. Europe. Of course, as is always the case, please do not hold out your breadth that I will complete the full and proper entries on E. Europe any time soon as I've yet to complete Guizhou and have barely even touched Sichuan and Vietnam. =)
Anyway, the above is a photo of what is the smallest house in Salzburg, Austria. Actually, by the time I took this photo, I was pretty much photographed out and far more interested in doing some retail therapy than photography. It was only because of a request from a friend that I ended up snapping this photo on the cell phone and another better quality shot on the Canon DSLR. These ended up being that last photos I took in Salzburg.
There is a story behind this tiny house that is now a shop and I will get to that another day. I'll leave you with this for now.
cheers =)