
Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams. - Yeats

UPDATED: Tong Yao Film & TV guide 18th Dec 2024 / Sun Li Film & TV guide 13th May 2024

Friday, October 03, 2014

Hidamari Sketch: Sae & Hiro's Graduation Arc ~ Animation Note at a ridiculously good price

CDJapan is currently running a sale to clear stock and one of the things that has caught my eye, aside from Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#11 elemental Tour 2014/FictionJunction YUUKA 2days Special - LIVE BOOK - at 50% off, is this...

Hidamari Sketch: Sae & Hiro's Graduation Arc Animation Note

...this is going for 80% off and is being offered at 1000 yen.  The original price is 5000 yen. That's a VERY good price for an art book.

OMG.... I am soooooo tempted.  The thing is, I have yet to watch Hidamari Sketch.  I'm not even sure if it's my kind of anime.  But I like Shaft, the studio that's behind Madoka Magica and Arakawa Under the Bridge, and I like Shinbo Akiyuki who also directed Madoka Magica and Arakawa Under the Bridge.  Also, the mangaka for Hidamari Sketch is Ume Aoki who did the original animation designs for Madoka Magica.... so I have always thought that I should give it a shot but never got around to it.

Still.... that's a really good price.... and so is the Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol#11 LIVE BOOK.  Arrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhhh..... need to resist..... but I could pick it up and send it to my friend in Japan and collect it from her next year.....

I could pick up both...... but but but.....

While I struggle with indecision, I thought I should let anyone who pops by and, who might like Hidamari Sketch, know that there is a pretty good discount on this art book... maybe all currently available 11 copies will get bought up and I won't be tempted any more. :P

Okay.... off to bed.... it's been a long week.... I would like to write a Fate/Stay Night [UBW]'s post tomorrow if possible... but I know I'll be returning home late again.... so we'll see....

For now... oyasumi. :)

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