
Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams. - Yeats

UPDATED: Tong Yao Film & TV guide 18th Dec 2024 / Sun Li Film & TV guide 13th May 2024

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Kalafina ~ Consolation ~ website revamp / cover art / Yume no Dachi PV

YES!!!!  I've been waiting for this.  They have revamped Kalafina's official website (just the home page) to reflect the upcoming release of their 4th album "Consolation".

Very cool.... and it's got a small snippet of "Yume no Dachi" (Land of Dreams) the new ending theme for the NHK docu series, Reikishi Hiwa Historia.  First impressions... I still like Symphonia more but this song is nice... lovely harmony just lacks the grandeur of Symphonia.


Quick first impressions... I like the cover art... very Kalafina... as in once again not a modern setting or clothing choice.  But this is less lolita gothic and I actually prefer this.  Wakana seems to be sitting down in all 3 versions of this release.  From what I can tell, I'll probably end up liking the regular cover more.

Also... if you access the site on your mobile, you'll get this revamped home page. :)

Anyway... got to go... I'm seriously tired... really... really tired... was going to go straight to be without turning on the comp but I read on tweeter that they have revamped the website and I just had to share it with whoever cares. :P

K... the usual... please buy if you can afford.

Regular Edition

Limited Edition + DVD

Limited Edition + Blu-ray

Also, Kajiura Yuki's dvd / blu-ray of the Vol.9 Live Shibuko Special will also be released tomorrow.  My copy is in the mail.  I'll hopefully get it in the next two days and if I'm not dying from exhaustion.... I'll do the un-boxing on the day I receive it.

Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#9 "Shibuko Special" Blu-ray (NOTE: includes the "making of" video clip which will not be on the dvd edition)
Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#9 "Shibuko Special" DVD

K... got to... need sleep... I need to reserve energy for tomorrow at work... night night :)

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