
Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams. - Yeats

UPDATED: Tong Yao Film & TV guide 18th Dec 2024 / Sun Li Film & TV guide 13th May 2024

Thursday, March 10, 2011

no mahou shoujo for me tonight. :(

Give me some Mahou Shoujo magic Kyubey!!!!!
 Wow... super tired this week.  It's been busy, busy, busy and while I enjoy my work, there was this one shot that kept coming back again and again for fixes.  I had to juggle a few shots as a result of that.  That stress and the two table tennis games after work this week have combined to make me feel too tired to stay up too much later tonight.  So although Mahou Shoujo Madoka's ep10 airs tonight, I'm not even going to attempt to watch it.

Truth is, I've not even had the chance to watch ep9 again.  I needed to because I didn't watch it properly last week.  Also, today, as part of my company's policy of continued training for all on the job, I attended a lecture on Colour and Lighting which was very interesting, helped me recall several things I learnt in university regarding film analysis and theory and  a lot of what I recalled today would be very helpful in understanding the visuals in Mahou Shoujo Madoka.

Sadly, I can't write much more... too tired.  So here's hoping Akemi Homura isn't some cyborg or android from the future... oyasumi. :)

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