
Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams. - Yeats

UPDATED: Tong Yao Film & TV guide 18th Dec 2024 / Sun Li Film & TV guide 13th May 2024

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Mahou Shoujo Madoka - bluray / dvd Vol. 1 release delayed

Before I left on my cruise, I read from the official Mahou Shoujo Madoka website that Vol. 1's release has been delayed.  The dvd / blu-ray was scheduled to be released at the end of this month on the 30th.  The announcement of its delay was made on 15th Mar, just 4 days after the devastating earthquake and tsunami hit Japan's North Eastern region.  Given the circumstances, it's understandable that the release would be delayed.

From what I can understand with my still limited ability to read Japanese, the release was delayed due to the shortage of power and disruption to delivery services in Japan after the disaster.  They have not announced a new release date yet.  But I'm in no hurry to get these discs and I doubt if anyone who likes anime enough to order these discs would care that they are not getting Vol.1 on time.

I must say that Japan has coped with this disaster remarkably well given the scope of the devastation.  I was assured by CDJapan that my orders will be shipped as timely as possible.  I was in no hurry to get any of the items I had ordered from them and totally expected delays but was quite surprise that one of my orders actually shipped on time.  You really have to admire the Japanese.

It's my first anime related post since 11th Mar and hopefully there will be more.  :)

Oh... also, a friend's 6 year old daughter donated her "ang bao" money of SGD200 to the Red Cross for the Japan relief fund.  That's really cool. :)  Maybe I should donate more... how can I lose to a 6 year old? :)

K... off to rest.... it's been a very busy weekend and I'm really pooped.  I also hope to go to work early tomorrow to try and get a head start on work.  I'm in the middle of a difficult shot and I'm worried that I can't meet the deadline... so I should just call it an early night.  Ja... matta ne. :)

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