
Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams. - Yeats

UPDATED: Tong Yao Film & TV guide 18th Dec 2024 / Sun Li Film & TV guide 13th May 2024

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Mahou Shoujo Madoka & Android Froyo for Motorola Milestone

Before I go to sleep, i just wanted to do a quick update to the blog.

The new release dates for the blu-rays and dvds have been announced.  Basically, they are pushing the release dates of all volumes back by a month.  Here is the link to the announce on the official website.

Basically, here are the dates:

They have yet to announce the availability of the 6th volume, but that will be a certainty and will probably be in the following month after the 5th volume is released.

This means that OST Vol. 1 by Kajiura Yuki will also be delayed by a month.  The cd will be packed with Vol.2 of the special editions and was scheduled for a April release.  We'll now have to wait to the end of May for this cd. 

The delay of Vol.1 is kind of expected, but I must say, I was a little surprised that all volumes were pushed back by a month.  :(  Ah well... although I am a little disappointed that even vol.2 has been delayed, still, given the circumstances, I'm not really that bothered by it. :)

Also, episode 11 and 12 of the anime will be postponed due to the recent events in Japan.  Although there has been no confirmed dates, according to the latest twitter message from the official website, the last episode will air in April.

From the tweet:
It's a good thing for me actually, although other fans may be disappointed.  I'm really busy at work lately.  And had to put in some serious overtime tonight.  I'm also behind on my Japanese homework.  So a delay in the broadcast of these last two eps means less distraction for me. :D
Next.... FINALLY Android 2.2 (Froyo) is available for the Motorola Milestone.  It's not available in all regions yet but it is available in most of South East Asia.  I just upgraded my Milestone from Eclair to Froyo. Yay. :)  I've been waiting for this.  The biggest reason why I wanted it was so that I could move applications to SD card.  :)  I've not actually played with it too much yet.  Too tired.  :(

Anyway, strangely, I could not download the upgrade from Motorola's website.  BUT, you can still upgrade.  You just need to install the "Motorola Software Update" software on you computer and use that to update.  Just install the software and follow the instructions... it's pretty simple.
K... need sleep.  The shot I'm working on is really killing me.  A lot of work remains to be done and I need to deliver by end of today if possible.  So good night everyone. :) 

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