
Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams. - Yeats

UPDATED: Tong Yao Film & TV guide 18th Dec 2024 / Sun Li Film & TV guide 13th May 2024

Monday, March 30, 2015

Kalafina ~ ring your bell - cover art released

Kalafina has released the cover artwork for their soon to be released single "ring your bell", the ending theme for Fate/stay night [UBW].  The cover art for the anime version and the analog version were released earlier.  These is the cover art for the Regular Edition, the Limited Edition (DVD) and the Limited Edition (BD) :)  CLICK ME to view the cover art for the anime and analog versions.

They all look nice! :)  My favourite is the Regular Edition cover because I think Keiko looks really cool in that photo. :P

Now I'm just waiting for tokuten infomation. :)

If you wish to purchase these singles, I usually get mine from CDJapan and you are welcome to use these links if you wish.

Here are the versions (source SMEJ):

初回生産限定盤A (SECL1691~92) 【DVD付き】 1500円(税込)
Limited Edition

初回生産限定盤B (SECL1693~94) 【Blu-ray付き】 1700円(税込)
Limited Edition

通常盤 (SECL1695) 【CDのみ】1300円(税込)
Regular Edition
CD only

期間生産限定盤(アニメ盤) (SECL1696~97)【DVD付き】1500円(税込)
Anime Version

完全生産限定盤(アナログ盤) (SEJL-27) 1500円(税込)
Limited Edition

EDITED to add in Tracklist because I had to start work and didn't have time to do it earlier :P

1. ring your bell
2. こいびとの昔語りの夕暮れの (Koibito no Mukashigatari no Yuugure no)
3. ring your bell (in the silence)
4. ring your bell ~instrumental~

For Anime and Analog Editions
1. ring your bell
2. こいびとの昔語りの夕暮れの (Koibito no Mukashigatari no Yuugure no)
3. ring your bell (in the silence)
4. ring your bell ~tv size~

Limited Edition DVD/BD's will contain the MV for "ring your bell"

The DVD for the anime version will contain the text-less version of the ending animation for Fate/stay night [UBW] Season 2


Wei Hao said...

When are they gonna come out with a new album? I've been waiting since 2013. I have yet to be consoled since Consolation. lol.

just me said...


I don't know if their going to come out with a new album this year but it shouldn't be too far off I think.

There will probably be more releases this year I think because so far they've only announced a singles release for "ring your bell".

There's still "far on the water" but that might be on a Rekishi Hiwa Historia OST release...maybe? Or if we're lucky, an album release. :D But I don't think it'll get a separate singles release tho'.


Unknown said...

What the heck is 'Analog' What does it come with? What's the difference between the Limited Edition and 'Analog'? The prices are pretty steep between the two - the gap that is.

just me said...

Hello Nour Hanieh,

"Analog" is just what the Japanese use to call what is more commonly known as vinyl record.

It'll look like this, with a different label.

There are actually FOUR limited edition versions of this release to be exact.

Analog (vinyl record)
Anime Version (included DVD)

(the track list for all releases are more or less the same, some will include all the tracks, some will exclude tv size version etc, that kind of thing)

Since these are Limited Edition versions, the quantities that they'll produce will definitely be a lot less than the Regular version which they'll probably keep producing for a while.

Anime Version is a time limited release. Meaning that once they hit a certain date, they'll stop pressing this release. For "ring your bell" it's 2015/8/13.

LE (DVD) and LE (BD) are First Production limited edition releases. I'm not 100% certain but this should be limited to the number they plan to press in their first production run.

The Analog (vinyl record) is the MOST limited release of the above releases because this is limited to a smaller quantity. In this case, they didn't say what this number is but Analog (vinyl record) versions are usually produced in the smallest quantity of all the LE releases.

The Analog (vinyl record) version is actually NOT expensive at all IF and only IF you managed to order it before they ran out of availability. The original price of this release is 1500yen (including JP retail taxes) but it is SOLD OUT everywhere. Hence, all that you can find now are re-sellers selling their pre-orders on marketplace etc, hence the inflated prices. :(

I hope this helps you make your decision when it comes to buying these releases.
