The FictionJunction Club Live was a live I would have loved to have gone to. Kajiura Yuki + FictionJunction vocalists + Kalafina + FBM all performing the Top 20 songs that were voted in by fans, sounds really awesome, yah? :) Unfortunately, I cannot fly to Japan twice in a month. I can't afford that and I was already committed to going to my friend's wedding in Japan at the end of March. Hence, best I could do was Yuki Kajiura Vol.13 in Osaka on the 27th March. And I am grateful that the gods of music at least made it possible for me to attend one live during my upcoming trip. :)
Well, just like the Kalafina Hong Kong live which I could not attend last year, I got lucky. I knew some people who went for the FJC live and managed to get them to help me pick up a few items. It's my consolation for not being able to attend that live. :)
There was a ton of stuff I wanted actually this time round. I really did like the bicycle design. :) But I limited myself to a few items. If you wish to see what goods were on offer this time, please CLICK ME. :)
I got the t-shirt as usual because I LOVE t-shirts so that is something I usually pick up every opportunity I have. Then I also got the acrylic IC card case because I've always wanted one from the FJC goods and I got the utahime produced clips because to my knowledge, this was the first utahime produced they've done for the FJC lives so I thought I'll get it to commemorate the moment. :P I also decided to order that backpack but that won't arrive for a while more yet. When I do get it, I'll probably also post up photos of it. :)
First up, T-shirt. :)

Above, we have photos of the T-shirt in and out of the plastic packaging it came in. I used one of the photos of the sleeve as the "headline" photo of this post. :) This time, it isn't the usual cotton type material that we usually get for concert Ts. This is sort of like a dri-fit sports material that doesn't absorb sweat. I'm not sure if other bands, vocalist, musicians etc have ever released a dri-fit concert T but this is certainly the first one that I've owned and I've also never seen one previously.
I thought it was quite fitting though to use a material like that, really goes with the sports theme. :) Aside from talking about music, food, occasional walks down memory lane and random posts like bugs that scare her etc, Kajiura Yuki often talks about her Brompton bike and bike races etc. So this time, she randomly decided to go with a bicycle theme for the design of the live goods for the FJC live. As a fellow biker (although, not a Brompton), I was also quite taken by the design and it was only with great will power that I prevented myself from blowing my budget. :P
I picked the purple shirt this time because um.... I think I look good in purple. :P Yes.....a little vain here and not quite in keeping with my view of myself as an admirer of Seattle grunge fashion. :D The quality of the shirt is actually quite nice, IMO. Although, I really don't know if I will be wearing it when I'm out skateboarding, playing ping-pong, biking or hiking though. It is a concert T after all. We'll see. :)
Next up is the utahime produced clips. :)

When they first announced it, they didn't even have a mock up of the clips on the image on the FJC webpage. So we were all left wondering, exactly what kind of clips were these. Later, I did see a mock up that my friend sent to me. That was from a photo someone had shot of a poster announce of the goods at the live. I still had no idea what kind of clips they were because they all looked kind of flat.
I really didn't expect the mock-up to to be so close to the actual product. LOL These are paper clips and they are pretty much flat. I guess I should have put something next to the clip for size comparison but I didn't think of it when I was shooting these photos. These are made from metal and are kind of shiny. But the metal has a darkish finish and isn't the ultra shiny silver type of metal that is quite commonly used in metal products. I have a feeling I'll never use these. I don't know what I would use them for. Maybe they would work as book marks? But I don't think I'll have a use for these kinds of paper clips since I generally prefer binder clips. I'll probably just keep them some where safe for now. :)
In case you're wondering. I wrote this before in the preview post (CLICK ME) for this unboxing but I'll write it here again, to save you the trouble of checking that post out if you don't feel like it.
Frog (Kaori), Onsen (Keiko), Ribbon (Wakana), Nihon Shu (Hikaru), Airplane (Yuriko Kaida), Cake (Yuuka).
Finally, we have the IC case. :)

I REALLY like this IC card case. :) It's actually not that light because it is made of acrylic which isn't the lightest of materials. This will protect your cards though. There is no chance in hell that you'll bend any of the cards you choose to put in there unless you very deliberately broke this case in half and even then, it will take some effort. Of course, this being an acrylic case, I still wouldn't recommend being too careless about it. If you drop it, it may crack or get chipped, although your card itself will probably survive unscathed.
I tried to show in the photos above, that the case isn't completely opaque. There are bits on the case that are transparent where the card you put in the case can be seen. I really like that about the case. :) The card I was using is an EZ-Link card, it's the equivalent of a Suica or Passmo in Japan except that it comes with a fair bit of discounts on the cost of your journey depending on distance and transfers etc. The card is about the same size as a credit card and it fits into the IC case quite easily and with a bit of space to spare. The case comes with a small chain which you can use to make sure the card you put inside remains inside. It's not a very long chain though, so you won't be able to use this chain to chain it to your belt loop on your jeans for example.
The IC pass case was probably my favourite purchase this time. Although, when it comes to most useful, it'll still have to be the T-shirt. I wear T-shirts all the time, even to work and to most events that I enjoy. So that T-shirt will be quite well used, I'm sure. I really like the IC pass case but I'm not sure if I'll end up using it in the end. It's almost like I like it too much to use it, in case I ruin it or got it all scratched up or something. :P
Okie dokie, that's it for now. Now for bed. I'm only able to be awake now because I had a very good afternoon nap today. I really needed it too because I was super, super tired this afternoon after ping-pong in the morning, lunch and a visit to the Natural History Museum. I really tire too easily these days. :( Need to work on getting some stamina back before the trip to Japan. :D Good night!! :)
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