
Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams. - Yeats

UPDATED: Tong Yao Film & TV guide 25th April 2024

Saturday, May 09, 2015

Kalafina ~ ring your bell - Kondo Hikaru tweets about possible KnK vinyl

I'm suppose to try and squeeze in some homework before I watch tonight's episode of Fate/stay night [UBW].  But first this. :)

Kondo Hikaru, from ufotable, tweeted photos of the analog version of the ring your bell single today. :)  Check them out!! :)

ALSO, check this second tweet out.

Kondo Hikaru said that he has talked to Sony about releasing all of Kalafina's Kara no Kyoukai songs on vinyl.  IF ring you bell's record sells well, then the likelihood of that happening would increase.

For my part, I have two copies of this version of ring your bell on pre-order. :P And as far as I can tell, it's pretty much sold out everywhere. The only way to get it now is to get it through re-sellers.

Fingers crossed for a Kalafina KnK vinyl record!!! I would buy it in a heartbeat!! :)


Unknown said...

I'd be up for buying that, for sure. The only disappointment is it'll pretty much be the majority of Seventh Heaven but without the best song, Serenato ;_;.

just me said...

Let's hope that will be able to release this KnK vinyl record and it sells like hotcakes then we may see them release all past albums in vinyl record like that they announced they will do for KPP albums. :) Then you will get Seventh Heaven and your Serenato. :)