
Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams. - Yeats

UPDATED: Tong Yao Film & TV guide 30th Mar 2025 / Sun Li Film & TV guide 13th May 2024

Friday, March 28, 2014

Madoka Magica~ Rebellion BD release - update tokutens

Just a quick post before I go to bed. :)

I actually saw this update on the official Madoka website a while back but forgot about it.  While I was checking CDJapan out while I wrote up the Ieiri Leo entry, I looked in on the Madoka product page and was reminded of it.  This is the updated graphic for the poster tokuten one will get if you ordered your BD or DVD of the movie from CDJapan. (while stocks last)

This set will be released very soon.  The 2nd April to be exact.  I really can't wait for my copy to come. :)

For those who are interested in getting it... here are the links.

Puella Magi Madoka Magica the Movie: Rebellion [w/ Bonus Blu-ray+CD, Limited Edition] 
Puella Magi Madoka Magica the Movie: Rebellion BD [Regular Edition]
Puella Magi Madoka Magica the Movie: Rebellion  DVD [Regular Edition]

source: CDJapan
Also... I saw this... a special order page for the BD Limited Edition set.  I'm seriously tempted to get cancel my order and order this Limited Edition set instead.

This is the Aniplex+ version which comes with two tokutens.  It has a special slipcase which looks AWESOME.  It also comes with a clear file that looks equally awesome.

The Madoka Magica website has a nicer image of this really cool looking case for this set.


If any of you are interested in this special order from CDJapan, you can check this link out.

Madoka Magica BD LE Aniplex+ version

Okay... off to bed now. :) Oyasumi!! :)

Ieiri Leo ~ a boy - unboxing

Actually, this is a pretty simple unboxing.  I'm not even sure why it took me sooooo long to do it.  I think I originally planned on writing more extensively about the music etc but work was crazy and I am/was not a 100% fit so I kept procrastinating. :(

So anyway... here it is finally... the Ieiri Leo "a boy" album unboxing.  I only bought the Limited Edition so that'll be the version that I will unbox. :)

First up... all the photos of the CD which comes with a DVD.


And... um... yeah... that's my Madoka Magica deskmat underneath. :P

As usual, I shot photos of the disc with the shrink wrap on and off.  It's a pretty standard packaging.  The lyrics booklet does have quite a lot of nice photos of Ieiri.  But of course, it's the music that interests me the most. :)

I'm actually quite happy with this purchase because I only just started liking her music.  The "Chocolate" single is my first Ieiri purchase, this is only my second.  (for the Chocolate unboxing ~ CLICK ME)

So although there are several songs on "a boy" which aren't new, since I don't have any studio recordings of all the older songs except for "Chocolate", I was more than happy to get them in the album. :)  When I have more money, I will buy her first album "Leo".

IMO, Ieiri is a really excellent live performer and her music is quite varied too.  Ieiri writes her own music which makes me think that she probably listens very widely as well.  I mean, how many musicians in Japan would have a song like "Papa & Mama" along side something like "Chocolate" in their album.  Although I tend to prefer her rockier songs, I think she sounds quite sweet in ballads and very moving in pop rock too. I wish my music vocabulary was better, then I could write better comments on Kajiura Yuki, Kalafina and Ieiri Leo... :(

My favourite from all the new songs on "a boy" are Carnival, Kibou no Hoshi and Lay Me Down.  I really think that Ieiri Leo is headed for bigger things.  It's unlikely that she'll ever come down to Singapore to perform... but if she ever does... I'll be one of the first in line to buy a ticket to see her live, that's for sure. :)

If you're interested in picking up her album too.  Here are the direct links to CDJapan's product pages.

Ieiri Leo ~ a boy LE (with DVD)
Ieiri Leo ~ a boy RE

Also, here is the CM for this album.  I think I have never put it up on the blog.

Actually, as I was writing up the last bit of this entry, I was listeing to her album at the same time... and I must say "Too Many" is a really good song too. :)

K... it's past midnight. :(  I need to sleep soon ... I need to start on working on focusing more in the future so that I can get things done faster when I'm home from work.... I was going to write another post... on a different band that I re-discovered...but I think I'll leave that for another day. :)

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Madoka Magica Anifone

My colleague brought this back for me from Anime Japan. :) Free Madoka Magica stickers. They were handing them out for free to advertise the Madoka Magica android app for cel phones.

I actually did get one of the apps. The app is really just a customize launcher. I got Akemi Homura. :) If you're a big fan of the series, you may find it kinda cool. I know I like it a lot. But it does take up quite a bit of ram and seems to drain my battery faster cuz Kyubey is constantly animated.

Still... it is kinda cool to see Kyubey and Homura on my phone.

The accompanying game is pretty simple and is pretty much a game of chance rather than skill. But it is kinda neat to be able to battle witches.

IMO this is pretty much strictly for fans but if you are a big might like it a I do. :)

posted from Bloggeroid

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Kalafina ~ live in Hong Kong

Kalafina announced today that they will be performing live in Hong Kong on the 31st May.
No Singapore again. :(
Lucky HK fans... this is Kalafina's 2nd or 3rd one-man live...
Sigh... no money to go. :(

Monday, March 24, 2014

Hanako to Anne

I wanted to write about this when Kajiura Yuki tweeted about it on the 11th Mar but I was just unable to take time out to update the blog then.  Now that I have some time, I think I'll do a quick post about it since it's looking increasingly unlikely that I will be able to write about Ieiri Leo's "a boy" album, a band (called Karasu 鴉 ) that I just re-discovered and the experience of watch 3 Ghibli movies on the big screen last week. :)

Some time ago, it was announced that Kajiura Yuki will write the bgm for NHK's new asadora starring Yoshitaka Yuriko.  On the 11th Mar, Kajiura Yuki tweeted that the series will start airing on the 31st of Mar.  The website for that asadora is also already up and there is a PV for it.  The opening theme song is by Ayaka and isn't written by Kajiura Yuki.  That should be the song that's playing under the PV.

I would of course have loved it if Kalafina or FictionJunction sang the theme song but I don't think they're kind of music is really asadora theme song material, sadly. :(  Ayaka's a great singer... just doesn't usually sing the kind of songs that I like which is why don't buy her stuff... but I will most likely buy the OST for this series because it's Kajiura Yuki.  I'll most likely buy the 3rd OST for the Rekishi Niwa Historia tv documentary series next month.... although I am struggling between getting that and this ufotable release.

This looks like it might be an awesome artbook to own.... so many decisions. :P

Anyway, I am looking forward to this series, not just because Kajiura Yuki writes the music but also because I quite like Yoshitaka Yuriko who's the lead actress in this series.  Hopefully, I will be able to watch it. :)

Okay... time for bed... I took longer than I wanted over these posts. :)

Good night!! :)

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Kalafina's Keiko plays table tennis

This is my second post for today. :)

Hello all who do drop by my blog. I'm sorry I've been away for quite sometime but I haven't been feeling well and I needed to rest... a lot!!! I feel loads better although, the possibility of me having to take some medical leave from work this week is still there because I still tire way too easily. :( :(

Anyway... enough about my boring health problems. :P

I just had to write this post about Keiko playing table tennis because I play table tennis too and it's currently my favourite sport. I play table tennis every week actually. Although, I'm not that good at it since I picked up the game later in life and we're self taught players but I love the game. So I was like thrilled to see that Keiko plays it too... although... I think she got the attire wrong that day. LOL

She uses the pen grip, probably the Japanese/Korean style.  I prefer the handshake grip.
This is Keiko's latest entry on Kalafina's official blog.  Here is the link.  Click me.  There are other photos in that entry

I will attempt a simple and not super accurate translation of part of her entry. Although, my command of Japanese is getting better and better... still, it's not good enough to claim that my translations are spot on most of the time. :)

Here we go:
In her entry, Keiko said that she had not planned on playing table tennis that day at all which is why she was dressed in a one piece and spike heels. As she played, it reminded her of junior high school days when she used to play table tennis with her friends everyday after school.  Keiko also wrote that she wasn't playing that seriously but the photos make her look so serious... how embarrassing. :)  The next time she plays, she'll wear sneakers and take revenge. (maybe she lost this match?  but in that attire, and in heels... it would be very hard to play proper table tennis, i would think. :) )  She wonders what would happen if Kalafina plays table tennis.  Who would be be the strongest player.

After that, she continues to talk about an event she attended on the 18th where she writes that she thinks that women who have a goal are beautiful. :) She was attending the Miss Universe Japan event.  I think Keiko looks good enough to take part in the contest herself. :D

Okay... I'm going to go through the Ieiri Leo "a boy" album photos in a bit... maybe I'll try and finally do that unboxing tonight... if not... it'll most likely be tomorrow night because I don't think I'll be coming home late tomorrow. :)

Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#11/FictionJunction YUUKA 2 Days Special ~ Blu-ray Announce :) (CORRECTION)

Oh... this was announced on the 17th March, a couple of days ago... but I was really busy at work and not feeling well at the same time and some how... although I did read it... I missed the part about the BD release. *sweat

Some how, all I saw was the announce about the re-release of the watch they made for sale for the KajiFes vol.10 Live.

I am SUPER happy about it. :) :)

This is a 2 disc release from the lives held at Nakano Sun Plaza on the 8th and 9th of Feb.  The announce says that this will be a Blu-ray release.  I'm not sure if there will be a DVD version.

One of the disc will be the Yuki Kajiura Live vol.11 live.  YAY!!!! :)

The other disc will be on FictionJunction YUUKA's live. CORRECTION: I think I read that announce wrong... I think it should mean that both dissc will be on FJ YUUKA's live.... at first I thought one of those disc will be one of Kajiura Yuki's live with the current 4 FJ vocalist... but I just went to check the live dates and those dates are for Yuuka's live. :P  SORRY!!!!  

 The announce says something like it'll include all of FJ YUUKA's songs and in her first one man live.

This will be released on the 25th Jun and will retail at 7000 yen.  This is the catalogue number: VTXL-1920.

I'm definitely pre-ordering this!!!!! :)

The pre-order link is already up at CDJapan. :)  Click me if you wish to order from them too. :)

P.S.  I'm a little less excited now because I actually do prefer the FictionJunction vocal unit with the 4 vocalist over just FJ Yuuka.  Although I do like lots of the FJ Yuuka's songs, my preference has always been for the ensemble FJ songs because I like the layering and harmony  and my favourite vocalist is Keiko and my 2nd favourite is Kaori followed closely by Wakana.  I'm still going to pre-order this though... just with a little less excitement then when I first read that announce. :P

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Kara no Kyoukai: Mirai Fukuin Extra Chorus Limited Edition Blu-ray unboxing

I'm going to have to speed through this and try and not be too verbose. It's been a while since I have been able leave work on time and I've spend most of the night just resting.  I would like to try and sleep by midnight because I have some sleep debt I must repay but I don't want to delay these unboxings too long because if I do... they will just not get done like a quite a few previous times... so I must be as quick as possible. :)

First up, photos of the Blu-ray boxset, with and without the plastic packaging and the slip of paper (which I just found out is called an OBI paper ring) round the slipcase.


I also shot a close up of the cover so that you can see that the of the movie and the graphic underneath is embossed.

Here are the photos of the contents of the boxset.


The 8 Panel 4 Tray DigiPak slips out easily probably because the cardboard that holds everything together is made from a nice glossy material.  Several sheets of advertising material have been packed into the case. Not that I'm complaining :) since one of the leaflets comes with reprints of the Fate/Stay Night and KnK artwork. :)

The limited edition comes with the Mirai Fukuin and Extra Chorus on a BD disc each.  The BD also comes with extras like the promotional videos etc.  Sadly, I haven't had time to watch the BDs yet... really v v v busy with work. :'(

The soundtrack CD contains tracks for both the main Mirai Fukuin movie as well as the approximately 30 minutes Extra Chorus.  The last 6 tracks on the CD belong to Extra Chorus.


The above are photos of the pamphlet containing the tracklist and information for the soundtrack and the Drama CD.  The pamphlet also opens up to reveal a printout of a Q&A between Kinoko Nasu, Takeshi Takeuchi and the fans.  If I remember correctly, these questions come from an open invite to the fans to write in with questions.


The above are photos of a few pages from the booklet.  It's printed on nice thick paper and contains a summary of the films, illustrations, artwork, character designs, storyboards etc.  And yes, unfortunately, that last photo is out of focus. :(


The Limited Edition also comes packed with an envelope containing 6 large postcards with really nice artwork printed on it. :)

Finally, I want to end off the unboxing with a few photos of this boxset placed next to one of the Limited Edition DVDs that was released for the first seven movies.


This isn't my favourite KnK movie.  My favourite is Paradox Sprial but I don't own that yet.  I only have the first 4 limited edition dvd boxsets.  Someday, when I have enough money, I will pick up the final 3 dvd sets.  Hopefully, I can still find them.

The packaging for Mirai Fukuin Extra Chorus kept very much in keeping with the past Limited Edition releases.  Even the contents aren't that different.  They each have a glossy pamphlet with the tracklist for the CDs, they also have a thin booklet and a black envelope with postcards.

Fans of the series should be quite pleased with this release.  I'm happy they kept the packaging consistent with the previous releases because it'll fit in nice and beautifully with the rest of my KnK boxsets.

If you wish to get this boxset from the place I got it from... here are the links. :)  The one that I picked up and unboxed is the Limited Edition Blu-ray set

Knk: Mirai Fukuin / Mirai Fukuin Extra Chorus Blu-ray with CD Limited Edition
KnK: Mirai Fukuin / Mirai Fukuin Extra Chorus DVD with CD Limited Edition
KnK: Mirai Fukuin Regular Edition
KnK: Mirai Fukuin Extra Chorus Regular Edition

And I've gone past my midnight deadline... it's now just after 1230am... that's it for now... I have run out of time... if tomorrow isn't a crazy day, I will do the Ieiri Leo "a boy" unboxing and hopefully some other stuff I have been putting off...  for now... time to sleep. :)

But before I do that... here is the postcard from the KnK: Garan no Dou boxset.  This is my favourite character from KnK... surprise, surprise... it's isn't Shiki :) .  It is Aozaki Touko who is also voiced by one of my favourite seiyuu, Honda Takako who by the way has a small role in Majocco no Shimai Yoyo to Nene... I recognized her voice immediately when I saw the movie in the cinema about two weeks ago... yay!! :)

Oyasumi!! :)