I'm going to have to speed through this and try and not be too verbose. It's been a while since I have been able leave work on time and I've spend most of the night just resting. I would like to try and sleep by midnight because I have some sleep debt I must repay but I don't want to delay these unboxings too long because if I do... they will just not get done like a quite a few previous times... so I must be as quick as possible. :)
First up, photos of the Blu-ray boxset, with and without the plastic packaging and the slip of paper (which I just found out is called an OBI paper ring) round the slipcase.

I also shot a close up of the cover so that you can see that the of the movie and the graphic underneath is embossed.
Here are the photos of the contents of the boxset.

The 8 Panel 4 Tray DigiPak slips out easily probably because the cardboard that holds everything together is made from a nice glossy material. Several sheets of advertising material have been packed into the case. Not that I'm complaining :) since one of the leaflets comes with reprints of the Fate/Stay Night and KnK artwork. :)
The limited edition comes with the Mirai Fukuin and Extra Chorus on a BD disc each. The BD also comes with extras like the promotional videos etc. Sadly, I haven't had time to watch the BDs yet... really v v v busy with work. :'(
The soundtrack CD contains tracks for both the main Mirai Fukuin movie as well as the approximately 30 minutes Extra Chorus. The last 6 tracks on the CD belong to Extra Chorus.

The above are photos of the pamphlet containing the tracklist and information for the soundtrack and the Drama CD. The pamphlet also opens up to reveal a printout of a Q&A between Kinoko Nasu, Takeshi Takeuchi and the fans. If I remember correctly, these questions come from an open invite to the fans to write in with questions.

The above are photos of a few pages from the booklet. It's printed on nice thick paper and contains a summary of the films, illustrations, artwork, character designs, storyboards etc. And yes, unfortunately, that last photo is out of focus. :(

The Limited Edition also comes packed with an envelope containing 6 large postcards with really nice artwork printed on it. :)
Finally, I want to end off the unboxing with a few photos of this boxset placed next to one of the Limited Edition DVDs that was released for the first seven movies.
This isn't my favourite KnK movie. My favourite is Paradox Sprial but I don't own that yet. I only have the first 4 limited edition dvd boxsets. Someday, when I have enough money, I will pick up the final 3 dvd sets. Hopefully, I can still find them.
The packaging for Mirai Fukuin Extra Chorus kept very much in keeping with the past Limited Edition releases. Even the contents aren't that different. They each have a glossy pamphlet with the tracklist for the CDs, they also have a thin booklet and a black envelope with postcards.
Fans of the series should be quite pleased with this release. I'm happy they kept the packaging consistent with the previous releases because it'll fit in nice and beautifully with the rest of my KnK boxsets.
If you wish to get this boxset from the place I got it from... here are the links. :) The one that I picked up and unboxed is the Limited Edition Blu-ray set
Knk: Mirai Fukuin / Mirai Fukuin Extra Chorus Blu-ray with CD Limited Edition
KnK: Mirai Fukuin / Mirai Fukuin Extra Chorus DVD with CD Limited Edition
KnK: Mirai Fukuin Regular Edition
KnK: Mirai Fukuin Extra Chorus Regular Edition
And I've gone past my midnight deadline... it's now just after 1230am... that's it for now... I have run out of time... if tomorrow isn't a crazy day, I will do the Ieiri Leo "a boy" unboxing and hopefully some other stuff I have been putting off... for now... time to sleep. :)
But before I do that... here is the postcard from the KnK: Garan no Dou boxset. This is my favourite character from KnK... surprise, surprise... it's isn't Shiki :) . It is Aozaki Touko who is also voiced by one of my favourite seiyuu, Honda Takako who by the way has a small role in Majocco no Shimai Yoyo to Nene... I recognized her voice immediately when I saw the movie in the cinema about two weeks ago... yay!! :)
Oyasumi!! :)