WANT TO SELL (edit 18th Feb)
1 Copy - SOLD (thank u!)
1 Copy - SOLD (thank u!)
1 Copy - SOLD (thank u!)
1 Copy - SOLD (thank u!)
I have two copies of this release that I wish to sell. They are sealed copies which I brought back from Japan. I already own a copy and opened that one and did an unboxing of that release on the blog. CLICK ME to look at the unboxing.
I picked these up at the concert venues themselves which means that I picked these up at 3400 yen which is inclusive of goods tax. If you buy them from places like CDJapan etc and you're shipping them outside of Japan, you won't be charged the Japan sales tax, which will make this release 3148yen.
Using XE Calculator and the most current rate. 3400yen works out to be SGD41 rounded down and 3148yen is SGD38 rounded down.
So I think I'll sell these at 3200yen which works out to be approximately SGD39 per copy.
You'll be saving on shipping and currency exchange costs from banks / money changers too because I'm giving you the rate from XE Calculator.
As usual, I'm not in a huge hurry to let these go and I know that these are very decent prices for these copies.
I would prefer to sell these to someone who lives in Singapore and it would make the most sense too because of the savings made on shipping and exchange.
I would prefer to do a meet up at an MRT station of my choice too
Unfortunately, I cannot offer you any of the postcard tokutens which come with these releases because I only have one copy of them. But I can offer you some of the flyers that I brought back from the live. Unfortunately, I must have accidentally thrown one of the Kalafina ones away from the fotw lives. :'( Good thing I still have one copy that I can hang on to which means I won't be giving that copy of the flyer away.
Instead, I'll offer you a set of these.

There's a copy of Kajiura Yuki's YK vol.13 live announce and a copy of Kaori's CD annouce flyer. And also a cover of Kalafina from some magazine that was advertising various lives in the live houses, I think. I only pulled off the cover because I don't have enough space to carry so much back and since Kalafina didn't really feature in the inside of the magazine at all, I thought the cover is all I needed. :P
Yeah, I know it's not much but if you are a bit of a crazy fan like me, you might like copies of these flyers too. I have been keeping mine these days. :)
So basically for SGD39 you will get a copy of this excellent live album from Kalafina PLUS a set of 2 flyers and one cover page of Kajiura Yuki, Kalafina and Kaori. :)
If you wish to purchase these from me, please leave me a message in the comments section or try and DM me or tweet me on Twitter if you do not wish to give out your email information etc.
EDIT 17th Feb 2016 ~ you can now also contact me via FB, CLICK ME.
That's it for today, I'm going to bed now. Really sleepy. Good night. :)
Hi I would like to get a copy from you if it's still available?
email me at kowweihao@yahoo.com.sg if you're still keen!
Hello Wei Hao,
Yup still available. I'll reserve one copy for you. Will email you. :)
I enjoyed reading yourr post
Hello Arnold McLean,
I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)
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