
Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams. - Yeats

UPDATED: Tong Yao Film & TV guide 18th Dec 2024 / Sun Li Film & TV guide 13th May 2024

Saturday, February 13, 2016

NOISEMAKER ~ free concert in Singapore

Oh!!! I almost forgot to talk about this.

Japanese music fans in Singapore should really take note of this event.  Amuse is a Japanese entertainment company that manages various artistes.  They manage several artistes that have thrown lives in Singapore before and I quite like them because they are one of the few Japanese entertainment companies that actually seem interested in marketing to the South East Asian market.  THANK YOU!!!

It seems that A-Live Entertainment, which is a subsidiary of Amuse, will be running a new live venue in Singapore.  The name of the new venue is called MILLIAN and is located at St. James Power Station which is next to Vivocity.  I've never been to St. James Power Station so I'm not sure what the area or building looks like so I can't really say what MILLIAN might look like.  But anyway, as part of the soft launch of MILLIAN, they will be holding a free concert at the location. It's really easy to get a pass, just request for it via their FB page.  The details are in the link above.

I did requested for a pass for this live at MILLIAN because I would like to see what this location looks like and sounds like.  Also, they are bringing in a band I've never seen live to this event and they're saying that it's like ONE OK ROCK.  I had to miss ONE OK ROCK's live in Singapore because I had gone to Japan to attend Kalafina's lives instead.  Kalafina and Yuki Kajiura are till my priorities when it comes to lives. :P

I think NOISEMAKER was a relatively unknown band till they signed with A-Sketch in 2014 which is probably why they're coming to Singapore to perform live.  At least, I've not heard of them before but I'm not a very good yardstick since I'm not expert in Japanese music.

They seem like they maybe a fun band to listen to live.  And they seem to mix quite a few genres together from the few songs I've currently checked out on YouTube.  And mix genre stuff often intrigues me.

ALTHOUGH, I generally prefer it if Japanese bands sing in Japanese and so far it seems like most, if not all, their songs are in English. It's not that NOISEMAKER or ONE OK ROCK's English isn't good but it's my personal preference. I'm studying Japanese now and I have a particular love for Japanese pop culture, so I started to listen to Japanese music because I wanted to immerse in the language. Hence, I just prefer it if Japanese bands sing in Japanese. But that is just MY PERSONAL preference.

Anyway, Singaporeans who love music and are Japanese music fans, please do check this out.  It's free anyway, so it won't hurt to try if you like what you hear in their music videos.

Personally, I'm quite happy about this development. After this Jan / Feb trip to see Kalafina and Ieiri Leo lives in Japan, I'd come to the conclusion that Singapore doesn't have enough small concert halls like Tsutaya O-East, where I saw Kalafina at their 8th Anniversary Live, and Zepp DiverCity, where I saw Ieiri Leo live.  Moreover, this is run by a subsidiary of Amuse which is a Japanese entertainment company which has been actively promoting their artistes in Singapore in the recent years.  This will, hopefully, mean good things for Japanese music fans in Singapore.  Hopefully this means more Japanese music lives in Singapore which I do welcome quite enthusiastically. :)  Maybe Perfume will return again and maybe we'll get a one-man Flow live... now that would be cool!!

Of course, on a personal level, I still dream of my Kalafina one-man in the Esplanade and still dream of Ieiri Leo live and another angela one-man live in Singapore but they aren't under Amuse so this may not mean that I have hope of seeing any of them holding one-man lives in Singapore.  BUT if this means that more Japanese acts come and if they sell well here, maybe my dream of seeing my favourites throw one-man lives in Singapore may come true some day. :D

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