Once again I'm still too high to sleep even though I am physically tired. Kalafina lives hold so much power over me. LOL
Today's live end the "far on the water" Japan lives. Originally this weekend was suppose to mark the end of the "far on the water" tour, till they announced Mexico and also confirmed the Shanghai leg of this tour. Sadly, for us in Singapore, we have to still wait for a time when Keiko makes good on her word at AFA 2011 that they will be back. :'( I suppose they have a lot of concerns and places to visit which would make it hard to come back to Singapore. So for now, I can do nothing but to hope and hope. Maybe someday my dream of seeing them live in the Esplanade would come true. I don't really think it would but one can always dream. :)
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My seat today was 1st Floor, Row 30, Seat 22, slightly off centre, favouring Hikaru. |
I loved sooooooo many of the songs today. Loved it that they kept Koibito no Mukashi Gatari no Yugureno as the opening. The projected visuals took some getting used to in the beginning in October. But this time around, I thought they were really fitting and was actually quite cool! It's also an awesome song to start the live. They sounded soooooo powerful and mysterious in this opening. I've also always been very fond of this song so it made me very happy that they sang it again.
Ah..... I forgot to write Lapis in the questionaire on the 30th. Keiko really sang it beautifully on both days. Because there were so many songs that caught my attention, I actually forgot Lapis by the end of the live on the 30th. Today, I made very sure to remember it and write it down in the questionaire. I really love this song too and LOVED Keiko in it. Of course the harmony was awesome too. It's not a Kalafina song or a very good Kalafina performance without some outstanding Kalafina harmony. :)
Identify is fast becoming a must sing song at a live, in my opinion. :) Everyone seems to enjoy this song soooooo much. The hand movements are fun and Identify, right from the very beginning, was really the most rocking song on the "far on the water" album in my opinion. :)
Ongaku was rocking good today too!!! I don't know anyone who doesn't like this song at a live. It's really very high energy and people love to follow along with the hand movements. It's a really fun song and Kalafina always seem to enjoy singing it soooooo much. It makes it hard not to be caught up in the energy too.
And wow, Yami no Uta.....really nicely done!!!! Keiko so sensuous in this song. :P Okay!!!! I am bias.... I'm sorry.... I can't help it.... her lovely low voice.... I've loved it from the very beginning and she just sounds more and more lovely to me. :) Keiko, aside, this song really caught my attention today too. I really liked today's performance of this song. Kalafina sang it super well! Very powerful!!!!
Oh.... and watching Signal today reminded me of something that happened yesterday. Today I didn't have a very clear view of the stage so I'm not sure if it happened again. But yesterday, two people in front of me didn't come for the live so I had a very clear view of the stage the entire live. It was very awesome. Anyway, if I remember correctly, in Signal, the three girls will run to different parts of the stage and point at random people or directions in the audience. At one point in time, as Keiko ran from the centre to the right side, she crossed paths with Wakana who was running to the centre.... at the point as they were crossing, their fingers were pointing at each other... it's hard to describe and I can't draw to save my life if not I would illustrate that moment for you.....it was a very cute Keiko x Wakana moment. :P
There was another very sweet Keiko and Wakana moment that I managed to see today. I think it was near the end, I can't exactly remember which moment but they were in their white dresses, so it was most likely some time after the encore, near the end. Keiko's hair was a little messed up and Wakana took some time out to help Keiko tidy it up. Another cute and sweet Keiko x Wakana moment. So sweet!! :)
Keiko was up to her usual touchy feely and energizer bunny moments again. As they went from side to side to thank all of us at the end, she was running and encouraging the others to run too. And she had her arm wrapped around Hikaru at one point too. That's just soooooo Keiko. :) I love it. :D
Today, they switched out Hikari Furu from the live on the 30th for Seventh Heaven. I love Hikari Furu and I thought they sang it beautifully on Saturday. But I have no complains about this switch out too. Seventh Heaven was BEAUTIFULLY sung too. Mesmerizing to me.
To be honest, I spent a lot of these two days in the Tokyo International Forum completely enthralled by Kalafina. I really enjoyed these lives. The crowd did too. Today's crowd seemed to be even more high than yesterday's and I already thought that yesterday's audience was already very responsive.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh.....all the songs were beautifully sung and the energy so high all the time. I completely feel the love. A Kalafina live is really like a drug to me and I am a willing junkie. I want more!!! I need more!!!! I almost feel like I would be willing to move to Japan just so that I can attend more of their lives. LOL!!!! Okay.... I sound a little too obsessive here. :P Well, the truth is, when Kalafina is on fire, it's hard not to be impressed with them at their lives. I went to today's live with two other friends (who were sitting somewhere else from me) and they really liked it enough that at least one of them will join the FictionJunction Club too. :) And this is their FIRST Kalafina one-man live. See....Kalafina power, right ? :P
Sadly, they didn't sing Samidare today but at least I can say that I have seen this song sung live twice at the 8th Anniversary live so I'm already very happy because of that. It's really an awesome song to hear at a live and singing "la la la" along with Kalafina is so much fun!!
Also, once again, in an effort to advertise their Spring Strings lives, they sang a strings / piano version of Mahiru again. It would have been nice if it a was another song but this is a minor complaint. :P Once again, really lovely even second time round. AHHHHHHHHHH if only I had unlimited funds and unlimited leave, I would go to these Spring Strings lives. :( But I cannot make this work for me. :'( So sad. Hence, Mahiru, like yesterday, made me so happy and yet so sad. :'(
Kalafina is really going places and I am so happy for them, Kajiura Yuki and the FBM. :) Today it was quite funny when they made some "special" announces after the live. They first announced the international lives and started by announcing the Mexico live again but that didn't create too many ripples because we all know about the Mexico leg of "far on the water" already. They also announced the Shanghai live but this was more like an official confirmation of what a lot of people who are hardcore fans already know. Then they had this "koku nai" lives announce which got the Japanese fans excited for a while till it turned out to be the Spring Strings. There was a tiny disappointed-I-already-know-that groan before fans recovered quickly and cheered and clapped the news. I thought it was funny and yet so supportive of the fans to quickly recover and clap and cheer even louder than before. BUT the BIG BIG BIG announce is Kalafina's first arena live and their second Budokan lives. Now, this one was the big surprise because no one knew till the announce was made on the big screen.
WOW!!!!! Arena and 2nd Budokan!!! That's awesome news for Kalafina, Kajiura Yuki and FBM!!! Omedetou!!!!
Man...... I desperately want to be part of their first Arena live but realistically speaking, it's probably near impossible for me to go. :'( I could try for a concert run for the Budokan..... but I really don't know. I'm suppose to cut back this year because of uncertainty at work and also I do need to try and get my finances in order too and there is that troublesome thing called leave which I have very little left. :( I really don't know if I can go to any more lives past the Yuki Kajiura vol.13 live in Osaka in March. But I really want to go...... so I will think very hard about this. I hope they don't do the lottery too soon. I need time to try and sort it out if I can go. :P
OHHHHHH.... also!!! There were multiple cameras today!!!!!!! YES!!!!! This has to mean a dvd / bd release!!!! Yes!!!!! I will buy in a heartbeat!!!! :) I saw maybe four cameras today. One on a dolly, one on a moving tripod on the left of stage, one on a jib arm right of stage and one in the middle of the hall. There may be more, I'm not sure. But four cameras is plenty!! :)
Also...for the first time at a Kalafina live, I decided to change into their concert T. :P I'm usually too lazy to do it and would just but the T and keep it in my bag. In SG, sometimes I would do it for some of the other lives but that's because my friends do it, so I do it with them too. This time, I was seated by myself and I knew no one who went to change but I decided that I wanted to change too. So I went and bought another concert T. :D I already have one from October so I bought the flags version this time. :P

Ahhhhh.... the day I see Singapore printed on a tour shirt as one of the venues, I think I will cry!! :P
I also made sure to wear my wristband. I almost forgot to wear it. LOL. But I did remember to bring it this time and luckily I remembered to wear it. :D

I also decided to pick up the pouch. It was something I had hesitated about getting from October till now. A friend told me that it's very good for cables. So I decided, OKAY!! I will get this for cables. :P

I put the Kalafina live CD on top of the pouch to give u an idea of the dimensions of the pouch. :)

Also, I think I forgot to include a picture of the postcard I got for buying a CD from the CD table at this live. There were two available, I picked this one. :)
It's been an incredible 10 days.... four awesome Kalafina lives in 10 days.... I think I'll remember this for a very long time!! :) Ah......I am rambling.... :P
Okay..... I may do some CD unboxings and also put up some items for sale tomorrow. For now.... I need to sleep.... fading..........
Sorry.... won't be proof reading.... I'm sure there are lots of spelling and grammar errors and possibly some logic leaps too... I'll try and fix them tomorrow after I wake up.... TRY.... because I'm not sure when I can get to them. :P
For now..... oyasumi!!! :)
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