
Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams. - Yeats

UPDATED: Tong Yao Film & TV guide 12th Jun 2024 / Sun Li Film & TV guide 13th May 2024

Friday, January 23, 2015

Who wants to see Wagakki Band in Singapore? :)

I DO!!!!!! :)

While I'm definitely not the biggest Wagakki Band fan that I know, I do like their music and I think they would be very fun to see live.  I'm also partial to this kind of music and I like mixed genre music or modernized classical music like Vanessa Mae's stuff and the once rather popular 12 Girl Band etc.

While Wagakki Band's cover of Senbonzakura is still my favourite song from the band, their other songs are quite enjoyable too.

Now Avex is holding a poll on their Facebook page asking fans if they want to see Wagakki Band live in SG.  Wagakki Band has performed live in SG before.  They were one of the bands who performed during the a-nation live in SG last year.  I didn't go because I was saving money for AFA2014 and the trips that I wanted to make this year.
I think this poll is asking if fans in SG want to see a one-man Wagakki Band live.

So if you guys wanna see them live in SG... VOTE!! :)

Here's the MV for their latest song Ikusa.

And here's the video of my favourite Wagakki Band song, Senbonzakura.

I hope that if they do come that their live doesn't clash with my trips to Japan because I'm definitely interested in seeing them live. :)

So..... if you would like to see them live in SG.... don't forget to vote.  There is one more Japan live announce in SG... I'll write that up in a bit... may be a bit slow because I'm watching Oshin on Hello Japan at the same time as I'm trying to write this. :P

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hell yeah