(thank you)
24th Oct: LE+BD -- SOLD
(thank you)
(thank you)
24th Oct: LE+BD -- SOLD
(thank you)
I would like to sell these two singles as well. You don't have to buy them both, you can just buy them separately.
I got these from Japanese online stores in Japan to get the postcard tokutens. The ones I got were from Toranoana and Sofmap. :)

However, because I was so busy and stress with work then, I didn't manage to cancel my CDJapan order of these versions of One Light in time. So I actually purchased extra copies of the RE and the LE+BD. You can see the unboxing post of both these versions here. CLICK ME.
Since I already own a copy of both these versions, I really don't need extra unopened copies of the same thing. So I would like to sell these two.
I will sweeten the deal by throwing one copy of the support shops tokuten postcards with each of these purchases.
The above is what the support shops tokuten postcards look like. You'll get two postcards.
As usual, I don't intend to make money off these.
I will be selling these close to Amazon JP prices, which means they will be discounted, you won't be paying the goods tax that I paid for these since I purchase them in Japan and you will save on shipping too. I will also be using XE Currency Calculator and base it on today's rate but I will round it off. This will mean that you will save on Bank and/or Money Changer charges too.
Regular Edition @ 1210 Yen = SGD14 (w/ "support shops" tokuten postcards)
Limited Edition + BD @ 1350 Yen = SGD16 (w/"support shops" tokuten postcards)
Like the far on the water album, I'm also not in a huge hurry to sell these, so these prices are non-negotiable. They are already very good prices for any Singapore based fan who wishes to own them. :) As usual, I prefer to sell to someone who lives in Singapore and I would also prefer to do an MRT meetup at a station of my choice. If you wish to purchase either one of these CDs, please either leave me a message in the comments section below or DM me on twitter. :)
Okay... that's all for tonight.... off to bed. Oyasumi! :)
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