I actually took photos of pretty much everything Kalafina related that I got at the far on the water live in the hotel on this trip. I had intended to do the unboxings in Japan but never got around to doing it. So let me squeeze one in now. This is the Kalafina Calendar. 2016. The calendar isn't actually released yet. That will happen two days from now. Early released copies were made available from the goods table at the live in Tokyo on the 10th & 11th Oct. I picked up my copy from the FictionJunction Club table on the 10th because they come with special FJC postcards. There is also one tokuten postcard available with the regular release but I don't have a photo of it.
Here are the photos of the calendar. I took photos of the thumbnail pictures on the back because it was easier that way. I don't really have easy assess to a scanner and I certainly had no access to one in a hotel room in Tokyo. :)

Those are the photos of the back cover, with thumbnail photos of all the months as well as closer shots of the thumbnails for each month.

They usually also include one more spread because these calendars are sold in Oct and are a few months from the start of the next year. So should you want to hang them up immediately, you could. The above photos are of that spread.

Finally, the FJC tokuten postcards. You get two if you buy it through the fanclub. Sadly, that second photo is soft. I'll fix it when I get home tonight. I'm going to test out my new skateboard after work today, time permitting of course. First day back at work yesterday and I had to put in a few hours of OT already....fingers crossed not much or none today. :)
If you want this calendar too, you can purchase it from several online sources. I'm not sure if they come with a postcard tokuten. They won't come with the two above though, those are FJC postcards.
If you wish, you can use this link below to the CDJapan product page for this item. Or you can try places like Amazon Japan, HMV Japan etc, they should have them too. :)
Kalafina Calendar 2016
Okay... I have to dash... I'll reply comments and update that photo of the out of focus postcard and also try and update with more photos of the live goods and short comments on the live, the trip etc over the coming days... hopefully I can get to them all. :)
cheers :)
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh! Such a great post!!!! The calendar looks AMAZING!!! Too bad I'll have to wait till January to buy it. I won't risk having to pay a custom fee again with such a big package. (happened to me last time I ordered a calendar and when I got my vinyl record T_T) Thank God I'll be in Japan in January for the Special Finals, I'll buy EVERYTHING XD
May I link to this post on my tumblr blog? :-)
Hahahaha... glad you enjoyed the post and thanks for leaving me a message too. :)
I like the calendar too. :) They look good in it. :)
You had to pay customs? Wow.... that sucks!! Yeah, shop more and carry back more when you're there in Jan. :) I usually do that too, shop a lot when I'm there. :P
Yes, you may link it to you tumblr blog. :)
Wah, it sounds like you have a lot of friends in Japan -- or is that they too, like you, had gone to Japan specifically to attend the concert? :D
Hi YTSL :)
I don't know if I have what can be considered "a lot" of friends in Japan. I have 8 that live in the Tokyo area and one that lives in Gunma. Of the nine friends, only three of them are really close, the others are at varying levels of friendship. :)
I had lunch / dinner appointment with three of them over the weekend. The other meal appointments were with people who had flown into Tokyo for the lives, some of whom I met for the first time on this trip. :) There were a few Singaporeans, one Hong Kong-er and several Taiwanese. :) On a previous trip, I met a Malaysian couple very briefly outside the concert hall and then had to dash off because I had an appointment to keep.
I always enjoy your posts!! But for some reason I often forget to check this site. You are really the only blogger I follow (I am not famililar with this blogging site :P)
Yeah, it's such a shame. Whenever my package is a bit bigger, I am charged a custom fee T_T I'll have to bring so much money to Japan and my credit card XD But it will be worth it, I'll buy everything that I am still missing in my collection (mostly the goods that aren't available on CDJapan).
I get customs on most things I order too. I specifically ordered a second copy of FotW via EMS in hopes of it getting here fast so I could listen to it, and ended up paying for it. Worst thing is, it actually arrived after the copy I ordered via SAL which got through without charges.
The calendar should be available at the live in Osaka right? Shall have to pick it up there amongst everything else.
I'm gonna sleep real soon but thought I'll reply real quick. :)
I'm glad you enjoy my posts and am flattered that I am the only blogger you follow. :P Sometimes I don't know if people are reading them. But I enjoy writing them and so I continue to blog. :) I don't know much about the other social media blogging sites too so I can understand where you're coming from. :)
Yeah, if you're getting charged at customs, it makes sense to pick up as much as you can at the lives. You won't get too many chances to pick up stuff after that. And some of them do sell out and you won't even be able to get them via the Spacecraft web store. :(
If you can afford it, go for it. :)
@ Kyouko Sakura
regarding your experience with FoTW... Wow, that really does suck. :(
As for the calendar, I'm pretty sure that it will be available at the live in Osaka. If you don't have FJC membership, you can still get a postcard tokuten with the calendar. If you have FJC membership, then you can pick up two of the FJC postcards. :)
Have a good and safe trip. I hope you enjoy the lives in Osaka. And do let me know if you had a good time, if you have time to drop me a short comment on the blog. :)
cheers :)
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