So first up is the microfibre hand towel.

There were two available at the Tokyo lives. One for monochrome and the other was for into the water. These hand towels will change at every location that they go to except for HK and Taiwan. I'm not sure which ones will be available at Osaka. Maybe they will be the next two on the tracklist on the album. That would be Gogatsu no Mahou and ring your bell.
These hand towels are a nice size. At first, from the graphic in the pdf on the FJC website, I thought that they would be smaller. But as you can tell from the first photo, the towel is placed on top of my Microsoft Surface Pro 3 which is 11.5 x 7.93 inches and that towel is broader than 7.93 inches.
I like hand towels, I do use them, when I remember to shove one in my pocket. :P But since I don't think I would end up using these, I decided to just pick up one for monochrome. If they had Identify's and it looked cool, I might have picked that one instead. :P
Here we have Kalafina mineral water. (I like to call it Kalafina Holy Water. :P )

I have no idea what this taste like. I'm presuming it'll taste like most mineral water would? Although mineral water does have different taste depending on which company's water you buy, I don't think I'll ever know how this will taste because I don't intend to open it, much less drink it.
I also have no idea why they decided to produce mineral water as one of the tour goods. LOL. I have been sending photos of their live goods, as well as Kajiura Yuki's live goods, to a friend who commented earlier this year that both Kalafina and Kajiura Yuki have some pretty uncommon live goods. I think mineral water for a autumn live tour is quite unusual, in my opinion. :)
I do suspect that the reason why they had mineral water has something to do with the title of the album. There are two tracks titled far on the water and into the water on this album after all. I personally think it's kind of a cute idea to offer this as a good. It certainly is some what unusual, just like their music too. :)
The bottle is quite pretty but not very big or tall. Sort of a mini size bottle and it contains 330ml of liquid. The bottom half is bluish, while the top bit is not tinted at all. Bear in mind, that if you're an international and intend to buy this item, do make sure to check it into your luggage, if not you might find yourself chugging it down at customs just so that you can keep the bottle.
Here we have the B4 size poster set.
These were really hard to shoot in that hotel room in Tokyo. I could try and re-shoot them here in Singapore but there is quite a bit to get through and I don't really want to sleep late today. There is a reason I am on medical leave today. :(
So... these not terribly well photographed versions of the poster set will have to suffice... gomen!

Next up, it's the member produced goods. This is the Keiko produced shoelaces.
I bought three of these. :P But actually only two are for me. The third one is for a friend who is a big Hikaru fan.

I don't always get the member produced goods. I usually only get the ones that I like or think that I may use. Some times I regret not getting them, like when I decided not to get Keiko's hairband from the Budokan lives. I don't use hairbands and would probably never use it but... but... but... it would be nice to own it. :P
Now the shoelaces on the other hand, I can totally see myself using. :) So I bought two sets for myself. One to keep and one to use. For 1000 yen, you get two sets of shoelaces, one blue and one white pair. They are a pretty good length of about 130 cm and can be used in shoes that are higher than ankle length. I forgot to take them both out the shoot them at full length but I think it's not hard to imagine what the white one looks like. The blue pair has stripes of blue and the Kalafina logo at both ends. The white one has yellow stars scattered all almost all the way, with the Kalafina logo at both ends.
I used them on my Vans Beatles sneakers for the live on Sunday. They look quite pretty on my shoes, I must say. But in the end, after the live, even though I did buy this set to use, I ended up switching back to my old shoelaces... hahahaha... I can't bear to mess these laces up too much. :P
Hikaru was suggesting that we don't need to use these shoelaces on our shoes during the MC at the live on Sunday. Hikaru does all the goods introduction and on Sunday, she introduced the member produced goods. So I'm following Hikaru's advice. I took off these laces after Sunday night and now I just have to think what I'm going to use them for. :)
I actually also got the Hikaru produced Wall Pocket.

Unfortunately, I can't do a proper unboxing of this item because this isn't for me. I bought this for the same friend who asked me to help him buy the Keiko produced shoelaces so I can't just open it without his permission.
I did do an unboxing post of the first Wall Pocket that Hikaru produced ages ago. That's on his blog. If you want to check out that post please CLICK ME. It comes with proper photos etc so you can get a better idea of what this item is.
This time, Hikaru designed this to just fit two across and four down. The previous version was three across and three down. She elaborated on the reason why she designed it this way this time. She figured that most of us will have run out of wall space by now or we are running out of wall space soon. So instead of producing a wall pocket that's so with, she decided to produce one that's longer instead. That's so considerate of you Hikaru. :)
Truth is, I would like to have picked up at least two of these for myself, I can think of a place in my room where I could hang them. But I decided not to get them because I had a budget I was trying to keep to. If they still have these at the Jan lives and if I have some spare cash in my budget, I may pick these up for myself.
The one thing I definitely regret not getting at the live now are those blue wristbands. Keiko said it during the live, I think it was on Sunday, that she liked seeing the audience wear those wrists bands when they raise their hands during the lives. She also likes to see us wear the live t-shirts. I never get those wrist bands. So I really regretted not getting them this time. So next time in Jan, I'll try and get the blue ones and wear them at the live. I usually don't wear the live t-shirts but I will probably bring the charcoal one to the live in Jan and wear it at the live too. :)
Okay.... I think that's all for today. I'm tiring and I would like to sleep soon. :)
I'll probably write more tomorrow.
Oh, Keiko really likes it when people wear their tour shirts? Maybe that's why she was so bouncy and excited when she complimented me on my Red Moon tour shirt when I got her autograph at Japan Expo, although Wakana commented on it too.
I may have to get the wristbands as well just because of what she said. Along with everything else. I'm going to buy everything I swear.
Hahahah.... maybe that's why. :)
She mentioned it at the Budokan lives that she liked to see us wear the concert tees. Actually, she thanked us for getting and wearing the concert tees at the lives both at the Budokan and at the FOTW lives at the Tokyo International Forum Hall A.
I kind of feel bad that on both occasions, I was not wearing the concert tees even though I bought both Red and Blue day t-shirts and the Charcoal one for FOTW. I think I will wear the concert t-shirt at the lives in Jan. :P
And yes, we have to get those wristbands. She said she saw them and was happy about it. :) So because of that, I am definitely going to get them in Jan too if they still have them and have sold out of them yet. :D
If you get a chance let me know how the live was for u and if you bought all that you intended to get, including the wristbands. LOL
Heh, I generally don't wear shirts of the band I'm going to see when I go to concerts, it's kind of an unwritten rule here in the UK at least. That said, both times I've seen Kalafina I've had Kalafina shirts on. That might just be due to having so many Kalafina shirts that they take up about half my clothing, however. I was wearing the 5th Anniversary Live shirt to the concert in Osaka, partly because it's been almost exactly five years since I first heard Kalafina's music, which was part of the reason I decided to go see them now.
Anyway the live itself. Holy crap that was so amazing. The sound seemed a little off throughout but oh well, it was a minor complaint compared to how incredible everything else was, from the lighting to the videos in the back to the FBM's instrument playing. And the girls, oh wow they sounded divine. Any worries I had about Wakana having a bad day or Hikaru still suffering issues since Budokan went away immediately, they all sounded phenomenal. All three of them managed to send shivers down my spine throughout the concert.
Starting out with Koibito was a very good idea, I wasn't sure if it'd work but it really does. Everything just kept on staying just as good throughout pretty much the entire concert as well, everyone was on top form and it came together to make one of the best live performances I have ever attended. My only real regrets are that they didn't play Red Moon and that I couldn't understand the MC's due to not having any knowledge of Japanese, they seemed fun though. In Every Nothing, Koibito and Lapis really stood out to me in regards to pre-tour material, especially the latter. And then there was Ongaku, Signal and Yami no Uta which were just godly. I know Ongaku's been played literally every concert ever but I can see why now, it just feels so good.
As for the new album songs, Identify and One Light were great fun, Gogatsu and Far on the Water were lovely (although I miss the flute from the latter), Sorairo was absolutely gorgeous and Usumurasaki and Monochrome were fantastic too. I don't care much for Hokage compared to the other album tracks but it sounded better live which was great to hear. Into the Water was a good intro to IEN. Still don't care much for Musunde though, I must admit. I wish they'd actually sung RYBITS, but it was nice enough to have it playing whilst they were getting ready to go into RYB. Believe I kind of blanked and forgot about because I spent that time filling out the questionnaire. Safe to say hearing it live didn't do anything to change my opinion at all.
The girls seemed to be having a lot of fun on stage and during the MC's though, and that makes me happy to see. As for the dresses, I'm liking the black/silver and white ones more and more the more I see them (although I guess you can't really call Hikaru's black/silver outfit a dress), whilst the coloured ones I'm not really sold on other than Hikaru's. Keiko's looks better without the boots but it still looks mediocre even on her.
I forgot to buy the wristbands in the end, sadly. I realised after going through and queuing to get to the actual seats and by that time it was impossible to go back. I don't know if you could pick stuff up after the event but we had to rush off immediately to get our flight so I wouldn't have been able to anyway. I did however buy a ton of stuff they had on sale. Got both shirt designs in both colours each, the bag thing, a keychain, one of those bottles of Kalafina water (I opened mine though, so it's a bottle now) both towels and also picked up a copy of Everlasting Songs so I could get one of the exclusive postcards. My friends there both also bought Kalafina albums as neither of them owned any, one getting RM and the other getting RM and Consolation. I acquired the other exclusive postcard type off of one of them.
I'd already picked up the calendar (I forgot about the exclusive event postcard, whoops), the mini poster set, the postcard set and the pamphlet earlier on at the Kalafina Museum to get all three postcard types there as well, but brought the pamphlet with me to get the memorial page stamped. I wonder if the wristbands or shoelaces will pop up on the Spacecraft store, I do kinda want to get both of those still. If I'd gotten them at the time I'd have run out of money to pay for food at the airport though so it's probably a good thing I didn't even if I wanted to and had remembered.
Sorry for the late reply. I was so busy lately so I've not had a chance to read your comments fully till now. :)
Thank you SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much for your detailed comments. It's like I was there at the Osaka lives too. Ahhhhhhhhhh..... if only I could go for all the lives on the tour. :)
Did you go for the 5th Anniversary Live? WOW!! My first Kalafina concert was five years ago too. At the Kagayaku live at the Lemon CC Hall in Dec 2010. :)
The sound wasn't perfect in Tokyo either but it's a minor complaint from me too. The rest was awesome. I really should get around to writing my comments about the Tokyo lives before my memory fades..... your comments are inspirational. I have to put in OT tonight for sure.... and maybe through out the week.... I'll try tho' :)
Maybe I'll write more comments again. Now I have to dash to work. :P
Hah, sadly no I didn't go to the 5th Anni Live. This was actually the first proper concert that I've been to for Kalafina due to them generally being multiple thousands of miles away from me at any given time. I did see them in France during Japan Expo but that's it. Not only do Kalafina break the rule of wearing band shirts to go see said band, but they've also broken my rule of not buying tour shirts for events I didn't attend. Considering how damn hard it is (and expensive) for me to get a chance to see them and how lovely the designs are, I had to give in eventually.
That was part of the reason I bought so much at the merch stall for this tour, I can actually say I was there and saw it :). Then again nobody around here even knows who Kalafina are with the exception of a few friends of mine, some of which they only know because I showed them. I did leave a comment in the questionnaire about them coming over here to the UK but considering the visible fanbase that I know of it probably isn't likely :(. I must admit I do get jealous sometimes with the amount of Kalafina and Kajiura events you can attend, I really wish it was possible for me to do it with such frequency. I might see if I can attend a YK live next time around, whenever that may be. Until then I need to save up to make it possible which is proving hard when I keep spending all of my money on Kalafina merchandise :>.
Interesting to see that the sound wasn't that great in Tokyo either. I wonder why? I've been to a fair share of gigs and I still don't know why particular events seem to mess up the sound more than others, especially when getting different outcomes in the same venue on some occasions. Luckily for Kalafina it was only a slight issue, I have suffered through considerably worse at some local venues here. At least I could hear the girls clearly.
Ahhhhhh... you didn't go to the 5th Anniversary Live. :( So fotw Osaka is your first proper Kalafina live. OMEDETOU!! :D I'm very glad then that your first experience was such a positive one. :)
Its the same for me. So far the only band / concert shirts that I've bought for lives that I have not attended are Kalafina shirts and Kajiura Yuki / FictionJunction shirt. Before them, the rule for me was also to only get the shirts if I go for the lives. Same with the merch and pamphlets too. I've bought quite a few things from lives that I did not attend. I just got more an more in love with their music and with them and the rest they say is history. :P
I think it's not so bad for me in Singapore. There is a pretty large community of anime watchers in SG so while I don't know THAT many fans, I do know people who know who they are. And it also sounds like I know way more fans in SG then you do. I know some quite hardcore Kajiura Yuki and Kalafina fans from SG too. At least one of them is more hardcore then me. :)
I always leave a comment asking them to come back to SG too. Kalafina has never done a proper one-man live in SG unlike in HK, Taiwan and the US. In South East Asia, they usually only come to Anime Festival Asia and have gone to each country specific AFA only once. Each time they come they sing maybe about 7 songs. The one time they came to SG, they weren't the last performer so even though we tried to call for an encore, the MCs cut us off. :( I was so bummed. But then for AFA Malaysia, they were the last performer but even though we cried encore many times, I think they probably were unable to come out again for some contractual reasons or something. :( I wanted to go to Thailand to see them but I ran out of money because I had gone to the Budokan lives and was going to the Kajiura Yuki vol.12 lives soon after AFA Thailand. Hence..... no Thailand for me. :'(
STILL..... I know I'm very fortunate that I have been able to see them live so many times. I'm really very lucky and I am well aware of it. I hope that you will be able to attend more Kalafina lives in the future too and one day go to UK and perform there too. They do like to visit different places, I'm sure they would be happy to go to the UK some day. They've been to SG so I don't know if they will come back any time soon, or if ever, since they have so many more places they have not been to yet. :(
Ahhhhhhh... the merch..... I know what you mean.... I spend a great deal of money on their merch too. :P That and the CDs. I buy all versions of their singles these days too. The are the first band/vocalists/etc that I've done that for. All others were just special editions and that's it. For for Kajiura Yuki and Kalafina.... I make exceptions. :)
re: sound
The mix wasn't that good on day 1 in Tokyo. It started out really loud but thankfully they slowly brought the volume back to something reasonable. But I really think that mixing Kalafina live is not an easy task at all. I think that's why they always make it a point to thank their sound engineer / manipulator, Ohira Yoshio san, on stage at not just the Kalafina lives but also the Kajiura Yuki lives. It's very rare to see that happen at other lives. It's pretty much only them that do it.
But the girls sounded good, it was mostly just volumes and mixes that could have been better. But other than that, I enjoyed the fotw lives a lot in Tokyo. So it wasn't really a bit issue for me either. And I've definitely heard worse at other lives too. :)
Okay.... time for me to go to sleep. :) Thanks for commenting and writing something so long too. :) I enjoyed reading it. :) Have a great weekend! Good night. :)
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