I think I didn't go as crazy as I did at the Budokan lives or at Yuki Kajiura Live vol.12. I didn't buy as many things this time. Not because I didn't want to but because I thought I should be a little more controlled in my spending since I will be travelling to Japan again to see Kalafina live again in Jan at the far on the water final lives. I'll need money to do that and then there is a planned March trip to Japan to attend a friend's wedding. Moreover, I didn't bring a very big luggage bag this time and didn't bring along my large duffel bag because I intended to carry back a skateboard from Japan as well. :P
The full list of goods that will be available can be see from the FJC website. Click me.
So this time this is my damage:
1x t-shirt
1x pamphlet
1x vocal score
1x postcard set
1x B4 size poster set
1x mineral water
1x microfibre hand towel (monochrome)
3x Keiko produced shoelaces (one of them not for me)
1x Hikaru produced wall pocket (also not for me)
So here goes...
First up.... postcard set. :)

I've grown quite fond of getting the postcards. As my collection of Kalafina postcards increases with each CD release that I buy, I've gotten increasingly fond of getting as many of them as I can. I never used to buy these postcards at the lives but I think since the Budokan lives, I've decided to get them.
Next up, many not terribly well taken photos of the pamphlet. I really hate opening these hard cover pamphlets wide to take photos because I dislike putting too much stress on the binding. Must be from my Western comics reading days....never mess up the binding. :P So yeah...they're not the best photos but I hope you enjoy them nonetheless.

Once again, Kalafina's concert pamphlet is a pretty nice quality product. They are pretty much photobooks. The photo spread is full page color from edge to edge. It's good quality paper and nice binding too. Aside from the special photo shoots that were set up for this release, we also have photos of the trio at the Budokan lives.
As usual, we have the foreword from Kajiura Yuki, the girls get one page interviews each and we also have the page for the band members. This time there is also a two page article from B-Pass editor Yoshizaki Miyako (吉崎美也子). Kalafina gets a monthly one page feature in the B-Pass magazine at the moment. I've been getting B-Pass magazines for them. :P The previous issue with AAA on the cover was actually quite hard to get at cost price because it was very popular. I only just managed to order it from Amazon Japan at cost price two nights ago. I've combined it with another mook featuring Kajiura Yuki and that won't ship till the end of the month. So I'll only get it then. :)
Like Yuki Kajiura Vol.12, their doing the memorial stamp thing again. I won't be able to get the full set since I'll only be going to four of the lives. This time, unlike YK vol.12, the page for us to place the stamps is removable. This makes it easier for people who are going to multiple lives. You can just bring the sheet with you, instead of the whole pamphlet.
Next up, T-shirt. This time I only bought one t-shirt. I bought two at the Budokan lives and three at YK vol.12. This time only one which isn't a lot for a t-shirt fiend like me. :)

There were four different shirts available at the live. Two designs and four colors. I got the "charcoal" colored shirt but as you can see, it's more brown than charcoal. :) I was expecting it to look more grey. Ah well, it's a nice color anyway, so I have no problem with it. That tree design soooooo reminds me of Kajiura Yuki / FictionJunction stuff. :) Both Hong Kong and Taiwan, as well as the final lives in January are included in the list at the back of the shirt. So it looks like HK and Taiwan will probably not get location specific shirts and there may be no new shirt for the special final lives in January too.
Next up we have the vocal score.

These are just a couple of sample pages of the score. I'm sure those who like to cover Kalafina's music will find this useful as it shows you the correct splitting of parts etc. I don't sing well and I hardly even karaoke. I wasn't going to get it till Kajiura Yuki talked at length about it on twitter. Man... she's a very good salesman. :P ALSO, this item comes with a postcard..... sigh..... how can I resist. :P
Oh wow, ALL OF THIS looks amazing (especially the pamphlet)!!! My poor wallet XD
Really like that t-shirt, will probably get the same one.
Also, that mineral water in your other post is so pretty!!
I'm planning to get that shirt at the very least, it's the design that really stood out when I first looked at the merch list. I'll probably get both colours. And the other design. In both colours.
I'll definitely get the pamphlet, postcards and poster set as well.
Yeah, I think the charcoal one is the nicest too. Although, I have just discovered that I look good in purple t-shirts in photographs. LOL.
I was wearing the YK vol.12 purple t-shirt today and my mum took a couple snaps of me and I was like... WOW I look good in purple. I never knew that.... so I think I may have to pick up the purple version of the charcoal shirt in Jan. :P I'm so vain. :P
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