
Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams. - Yeats

UPDATED: Tong Yao Film & TV guide 18th Dec 2024 / Sun Li Film & TV guide 13th May 2024

Saturday, December 01, 2012

EOY 2012 J-pop Live concert cancelled

I should have suspected something was up.  After the Perfume concert last Saturday, I was all fired up and quite keen to go to EOY 2012's concert which featured two anisong singers that I was interested in watching.  One was Haruna Luna who is very new to the anisong scene and the other is Sugawara Sayuri who has been active for a few years.  But a few days ago when I went to the EOY website to try and find information on the concerts, I couldn't find anything on the concert and the only thing I found was the Sistic page which was really odd.

After my 3 trips to Japan to see Kajiura Yuki and Kalafina live, one trip to Malaysia to see Kalafina live, the J-Live Vol.2 concerts and the Perfume concerts, I was feeling quite broke, so I had initially made the decision to skip the EOY 2012 concerts.  But after the Perfume concert, I really wanted just one more to wrap up the year and was in the midst of making plans with friends when the cancellation of the concert was announced. =(

Here is the link to the official announce of the cancellation.... click me.

Bummer!!!!! Not just for me and those who wanted to go but also for all the people who worked so hard to get this thing together and the singers and performers who were going to perform that day. =(  Hopefully, next year, EOY's concerts will go smoothly for them.


shangyou said...

I wanted to hear 'Eternal Love' live so badly! Argh... I guess I'll use the refund to buy Scandal merchandise/get that Scandal Haruna lighter...

just me said...

Yeah... I was kinda disappointed that the concert was cancelled to... I was actually looking forward to it. :(

The only good thing about it is that I get to save some money.... guess that'll go to Christmas presents or the new Kajiura Yuki Vol.9 release. :)

BTW..... check this out... Scandal in Singapore in March 2013. :)

shangyou said...

Haha I know about Scandal coming to Singapore! I was actually there at their Press Conference in Malaysia. :)
Check this out >