I forgot that I never did a proper "unboxing" of this pamphlet. I never really got around to it because I had been posting bits and pieces of it on the blog and on twitter when I was in Japan. When I returned to Singapore, it seemed like enough of the pages have been floating around that it didn't really seem necessary anymore.
However, someone left me a comment on the blog asking me if I could shed some light on this release so I decided to do a really quick post of it. I re-shot photos of it because I don't know where the previous photos are since I was randomly posting them up.
Unfortunately, these aren't particularly well taken either since I was in a real hurry this morning when I did it. However, I think they're good enough that you can get a good idea of what this release looks like. :)

To give you some idea of the dimensions of the book, I placed the not very big Kalafina mineral water bottle from the far on the water live goods next to the pamphlet. As is quite often the case with Kajiura Yuki's pamphlets, they aren't very big. However, that doesn't mean that they aren't quality releases.
This is a nice release like usual. Hard cover, nice binding and good quality paper.

This is the content page.

It starts with Kajiura Yuki's foreword and interview. There are several nice photos using cooler colors.

Then there's Kaori's interview.

Then there's Keiko's interview. Yes, I know, I did shoot all the photos of her and not just sample ones. I'm bias that way. :P

Then there's Wakana's interview.

And finally, we have Yuriko Kaida's interview.

There is a cross-talk bit with Koiwa Takashi, the recording engineer that has worked on a ton of things including lots of Kajiura Yuki's music.

The Front Band Members and guest musicians and vocalists get a page each.

Then there's another cross talk with the Band Members and Mr. M. And a four page commentary from Nakajo-san the editor-in-chief for the Bessatsu Kadokawa magazine. (中條基 ~ I'm not sure how to read his name, so I'll leave it as Nakajo-san for now.)

After which there are several pages of photos of them at the lives.

And then we have several pages of comments from Kajiura Yuki's fans. These are all written in response to a short questionnaire that was posted on the internet. I wrote in. And am still delighted that my response was chosen and printed. :) :) :)

Finally, we have the credit page, the pages for the "memorial stamps" and the back of the pamphlet.
As is usually the case with Kajiura Yuki's pamphlet releases, it's pretty text heavy for a concert pamphlet. It's certainly way more text heavy than Kalafina's concert pamphlets which function more like photo books. If you are a fan who can read Japanese, these are usually good buys. If you just want the photos, then you have to think if it's worth getting this since it is heavier on text than photos. I am a fan who reads Japanese very slowly and by skipping a lot of kanji when I get impatient. :P So this is a good buy for me. :D
Okay... that's it. Hope this helps Jeff who asked me about this release. Sorry it's late. I had hoped to do it during the weekend but was unable to. Hope this helps your purchasing decision. :)
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