So tired and frustrated at work today. And I really wanted to go home for dinner today and not have to eat the crappy dinner at the company again. Okay....maybe it isn't that crappy and it is free....but if I am eating that means OT again. And I am really really really tired today. :( :( :(
I am really struggling to hold on to good thoughts right now. So am gonna try and think of Jan/ Feb 2016 because I am going back to Japan again! :)
Yay!!!! Happy thoughts happy thoughts!!! I have pretty much secured tickets to four lives in Jan / Feb. I will attend my first FictionJunction Club members only live on the 23rd Jan. That's the 8th Anniversary Kalafina live. My first Kalafina Anniversary live! Yeah!!
I am really struggling to hold on to good thoughts right now. So am gonna try and think of Jan/ Feb 2016 because I am going back to Japan again! :)
Yay!!!! Happy thoughts happy thoughts!!! I have pretty much secured tickets to four lives in Jan / Feb. I will attend my first FictionJunction Club members only live on the 23rd Jan. That's the 8th Anniversary Kalafina live. My first Kalafina Anniversary live! Yeah!!
I also secured the tickets to the Kalafina "far on the water" special final lives on the 30th / 31st Jan. :)
And on the 2nd Feb, I will also be going to Ieiri Leo's live in Tokyo. Yeah!! My first non-Kajiura Yuki related live in Japan and my first ever Ieiri live too. Hope she sings some of my favourite songs. :)
I am saving everything I have to go back to Japan again. But I have to make some required purchases. It'll be winter and it'll be cold. My winter jacket is very old and really crappy so I had to go buy a new one. Good thing there were loads of sales and I had some vouchers that were given to me so I managed to get this North Face jacket for free. It's the largest boy's size and very fitting for me. But getting it free is good incentive for me to maintain my weight and maybe lose a bit more. :P

I need to get new pants too. I wore my old ones out. :( But Uniqlo has some sales now so I will go check them out. :)
Okay, I feel so much calmer now. I was losing it just now. I just needed to write to relieve some stress. Now time for some Animal Crossing Happy Home Designer. :) Bye for now!
posted from Bloggeroid
How do you usually get the tickets for Kajiura Yuki/Kalafina concert?
Sorry for the late reply, been very busy lately. :(
I usually ask my Japanese friend for help with these tickets. They are quite tricky to get a hold of if you don't have a friend and near impossible to get without some kind of help from someone residing in Japan.
Firstly, you have to apply to enter the lottery to win the opportunity to purchase these tickets. If you are or your friend is a FJC member, they get first dips. After that there are other opportunities to apply for the tickets, like coupons in CDs etc before the tickets are made available for general sales.
After you win the lottery, you will be sent an email with instructions on payment etc which you do via the Lawsons machine in Lawsons. I'm not sure if other machines in other conbini etc can issue you tickets. We always do ours via Lawsons so that's what I know. These are physical machines located in the Lawsons conbini which means that you'll need someone who is currently in Japan during the time when you need to pay for these tickets to help you to pay for them.
I'm VERY VERY VERY lucky. I have a good friend in Japan who helps me with all my tickets. The only time I did anything was when I applied for the 8th Anniversary Live ticket. I applied for that by myself but the payment was done by my friend. :)
If you don't live in Japan and you don't have a friend in Japan, the best way to do it is to get a proxy buyer to help you with it. You'll have to pay for their services, of course, but to my knowledge, that's the only way to do it if you don't have someone you know in Japan to help you with it.
I wish you good luck if you're trying to get a ticket to go. :)
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