
Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams. - Yeats

UPDATED: Tong Yao Film & TV guide 25th April 2024

Saturday, December 03, 2011

sick again :( ... japan withdrawal symptoms? :p

I'm sick again... it's frustrating.  In the last couple months, my overall health has taken a real beating and I've either been completely exhausted or ill half the time.

It really sucks because it means it hasn't been easy to concentrate at work and it's even harder to do anything constructive outside of work.  My Japanese homework has been the first to fall by the wayside... then blogging... even mobile blogging has been hard.

I was ill again before I left for Japan and just barely recovered, only to fall ill again on the second day I was in Japan and recovered enough to go to work on Thursday but ended the day feeling like complete crap and then finally saw the doctor again on Friday and took the day off from work.  I think I will need to make some major changes in my lifestyle to try and make a more complete recovery so I guess late night blogging is probably a really bad idea for a while. :p

Anyway... above is a photo of almost all the gachapon toys I bought in Japan.  Heh heh... Danielle, Jessie and I kind of went crazy and every time we saw a capsule toy machine we would want to just play it for fun.  If we had time to go to Gachapon Kaikan, I think we would have ended up with even more gachapons. :)  It was fun though and Danielle's luck at the gachapon machine is quite phenomenal... I ended up getting her to turn the knobs on more then one occasion. :)

I miss Japan... lots and lots actually.  Each time I return, the desire to go back there just keeps building in me till it becomes impossible not to go again.  Kajiura Yuki's latest Live is in Mar/Apr.  There will be two nights in Shibuya, Tokyo and one night in Osaka.  I'm toying with the idea of going to the one in Shibuya... but I'm not sure if I can still get tickets and if I do go... I will need to do some really serious saving up in the next two months.  But it is FictionJunction and there are 3 guest stars of which two are Itoh Eri and Tomaru Hanae... it's extremely tempting. :)  I have never seen FJ live which means I have yet to see Kajiura Yuki live and given that the biggest reasons for my Kalafina and FictionJuntion obsessions and the reasons for my 2 trips in 2 years to Tokyo is because of Kajiura Yuki's music... it almost seems sacrilegious not to at least go to one of the FJ Lives just to see her perform in person. :D

But we'll see... it generally fits better into my schedule to go later in the year, hence why most of my trips anywhere tend to take place later in the year... mostly from May onwards.  I have to think about this really seriously.

Anyway... I need to get off the computer again... my eye infection came back with a vengeance on Thursday... which makes it 3 times in 4 weeks... it's made me extremely tired and made me feel dizzy and given me a slight headache for most of the day... hence, I can't stay online for too long lately. :(

I have tons I would like to say and lots of photos I would like to put up about my 3rd Japan trip, about the Kalafina Live etc etc... but it'll all have to wait... this old bag of bones needs to go drop some eye drops and maybe take a nap. :)

That's it for now... later y'all. :)

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