
Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams. - Yeats

UPDATED: Tong Yao Film & TV guide 30th Mar 2025 / Sun Li Film & TV guide 13th May 2024

Sunday, October 28, 2007

TVB - Steps (舞動全城 )

I know I said I was going to write part 2 of my afterthoughts on my trip to Beijing but that'll have to wait as I now feel like writing a comment on the latest TVB series that I'm currently watching.

As usual, I won't go into details with the sypnosis of the series as you can read about it here in English and here in Chinese.

I must say that this really isn't a very good series at all and if I ever wondered just how little tolerance I have for fluffy romances, I think I've no doubts now that I have very little tolerance for TVB series that are light on drama and story. This series seems like a vehicle to promote the younger TVB fadans and I guess qualifies more like a typical idol series packed full of good looking people and virtually no story.

Bernice Liu dancing, unfortunately, the story is less about dancing and more about herbal tea... grrrr.

The series did start of well enough and I enjoyed the first two episodes and the series did setup most of the relationships and the potential conflicts well and I was genuinely interested in how some of it was going to play out. The English title isn't very elegant but unlike many of TVB's English title, this title actually makes some sense, although sadly not much else makes sense in this series. The series' Chinese title "舞動全城" can be loosely translated as "the whole city dances", hence "steps", as in dance steps. The opening MTV sequence is also entirely about dance, so forgive me if I sound somewhat annoyed when I say that the series is more about $&%*#@&*#@# herbal tea and dumb generic romances than it is about dancing of any kind at all. While I admit that I've not yet finished the series but I'm at ep13 which is more than half-way through the series and the dance portions are quite peripheral to the main story.

The characters are mostly stereotypical and painted in broad strokes of good and bad. The good guys are very good, forgiving, nice and gracious. The bad guys or the characters which aren't the main characters are spoilt, bratty, petty etc. and have few redeeming qualities. But that's not the worst of it. Aside from being shallow, these characters' basic nature seem to change whenever the script needs them to change.

Stephen Hyunh and Chen Fala

What made me mad enough to write this entry is what they did to Chen Fala's character, Ching Ka-man. Strangely enough, I actually found this minor character to be the most interesting of all the characters in this series and I think that's because all the main characters were so damn bland. The main characters, Ching Ka-tsun (Steven Ma), Li Sum-ying (Bernice Liu) and Yeung Sze-man (Kate Tsui) are nice, smart and almost flawless and therefore often boring and sometimes worse, good to the point of nauseating. In contrast, Ka-man is spoilt, angry and self-destructive. Her backstory also gives her even more depth. When she was rather young, her father died and her mother found herself unable to grief, work and care for her two young children all by herself. So she placed Ka-man in the care of the child's grand-mother and sent her son Ka-tsun to boarding school and the family barely saw each other, if at all, and certainly didn't live as a family till Ka-man was in high school. As a result she's deeply insecure, highly emotional, needy and resentful. She's a time-bomb, filled with anger, a sense of abandonment and a desperate need to feel loved, especially from her mother. Her brother, Ka-tsun, is apparently and unrealistically unaffected by this childhood trauma because he's not only older but also because he chose and forced his mother to send him away, unlike Ka-man who didn't have a choice.

At the beginning of the series, it seemed as though they were going to make Ka-man Sum-ying's main adversary. Ka-man takes an instant dislike to her and exhibits fits of jealous rage because she thinks that her mother likes Sum-ying more than herself and Ka-man would go out of her way to set Sum-ying up. While I wished that the script had made Ka-man's antics more intelligent, since the character didn't seem to be set up to be a stupid one, still I was glad that there was some conflict in the dance arena instead of in the herbal tea company.

Then suddenly, in the middle of the series, Ka-man in one of her drunken rages accidentally hurts someone and everyone rallies around her to try and help her out. Suddenly, in a blink of an eye, Ka-man becomes a docile, understanding, loving daughter and sister.

Oh boy.... I was sooooooo pissed. This was by far the most interesting character in the series till ep13 at least. I was hoping that they would develope her and her family a lot more because they have an unsusal and relationship which seemed always in danger of breaking up. But nooooooo..... because Chen Fala isn't one of the more important actresses in this series, they abruptly change her character so that they can drop her storyline midway and give us all the inane, boring and generic romantic blah-blah crap between Ka-tsun and Sum-ying, Sze-man and Dickson (Matthew Ko), Li Lik-keung (Sum-ying's brother, played by Wayne Lai) and Yao Lum-lum (Claire Yiu). Dancing was also abandoned and the herbal tea company's business conflicts took centre-stage.

Pix 1: Wayne Lai, Steven Ma, Pix 2: Bernice Liu, Kate Tsui, Pix 3: Matthew Ko, Wu Fung

Thankfully the performances in general are okay and Steven Ma and Bernice Liu are very watchable. Wayne Lai maintains his usual standard even though his character makes an abrupt and annoying change in the second quarter of the series. Regular B-lister Claire Yiu is also fine. Kate Tsui isn't fantastic but she's not terrible although I do find the quality of her voice to be lacking. I'm also still decidedly unimpressed with Stephen Wong, his horrible enunciation and his slightly wooden acting.

Chen Fala with Steven Hyunh in pix 1. Chen Fala in the centre, Bernice Liu on the right.

The person I actually found myself liking, surprisingly enough, is Chen Fala. For an inexperienced actress, I think she acquitted herself well enough and even though she was saddled with a very unlikeable character, she played her well enough that I found this character less annoying than sad and troubled and hence, sympathetic. It helps too that I do find Chen Fala rather good-looking and like her smile. :)

Pix 1: Steven Ma with the some of the support cast and on his left is the unfortunately Akina Hong Wah who gets yet another thankless role. Pix 2: Bernice Liu and Steven Ma with Claire Yiu who gets one of her rare more important roles in a TVB series.

Bottomline is, don't rent this series unless you really like the stars and I mean REALLY like them or unless you like fluffy romances which don't stimulate the mind. If you like drama and if you like your characters and plot to progress logically, then save your money and go rent something else. Unless a major miracle happens from ep13 till ep20, I'm unlikely to change my assessment of this series.

PART 2 - added 29th Oct 2007

Okay, I've just finished this series and it's official, this series is absolute trash and if it wasn't because I was working and wanted some tv on and if it wasn't because I actually wanted to know what happens to Ka-man, I would have dropped this series at ep13. There was no miracle, there was only disaster as all the characters, especially the so called good guys, managed to become even more unbearable than before.

All I can say is, no wonder Ka-man turned out so screwed up. Not only did she have a really horrid childhood, she got a mother who really didn't know how to help her obviously troubled daughter and a brother who's idea of showing concern is to think that things will work out by themselves and a future sister-in-law who's such a good person she's probably not even homo sapien, no wonder Ka-man turned to the first person who pays her some real attention. Never mind that this woman is so obviously nasty. Ka-man is so desperate for anyone to be the mother she never knew that even this totally I'm-so-bad-it-is-oozing-out-of-my-pores woman would do. It helped poor Ka-man even less that the script also decided to screw her over by abruptly changing her into turn-over-new-leaf daughter just so as to abruptly change her yet again into vengeful, hate-filled, self-destructive daughter. Really, it would have made so much more sense and taken just as little amount of effort to show that Ka-man hasn't exorcised the demons from her childhood. Seriously, I can't really blame her either, her family continues to pay her as little attention when she's good as when she was bad and hey, since it's more fun being bad, can anyone blame Ka-man for becoming bad again?!?!?!? I certainly can't. Fact is, she's simply the most comprehensible character in this series. From the very beginning till the end, Ka-man has always been a lost little girl who's self-destructive tendencies were really her way of crying out for help and all this stems from her feelings of abandonment and loneliness. I really did feel for this character in the end because her mother really did treat Sum-ying better, you never get the feeling any time in the series, except for when Ka-man got into trouble, that her mother even cared about her. Guess that explains why Ka-man got into so much trouble, even though I doubt if the script-writers intended it to be this deep given how shallow the rest of the script and characters are.

Seriously, the script should have shifted the focus of this series to Ka-man and her family. They would have been so much more fascinating, what a bloody waste. Another advantage of making the Ching family the focus of the story would be that the dance would be at the centre of this series as it should have been from the very beginning.

And really, one must give newcomer Chen Fala a ton of credit. She really did play this character relatively well because she is one of the reasons this character worked for me in spite of the inconsistent scripting.

Okay, that's enough ranting from me. I've wasted enough time and brain cells over this pointless and lazily scripted series. =(

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Beijing Afterthoughts 1.

Beijing After Thoughts 1. It's back to work after 8 days in Beijing. In spite of a few less than happy experiences, i really did have a good time in China. Beijing is so far the most crowded place i've visited ever and sadly the magnitude and awe of some of the historical sites are marred by just how many people there are. Mainland Chinese also have a very long way to go in terms of courtesy and consideration. While most of the people who reside in Beijing itself were nice enough and are even nicer than those in Shanghai, it was many out of town mainland visitors who took a little getting used to. Anyway, i hope to post more tonight when i get back from work. For now, take care. :-)

- This blog was updated through my M1 mobile phone.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Beijing Day 8 Part 3.

Beijing Day 8 Part 3. We're at the airport now. About to leave Beijing. Lot's of photos and lot's of experiences. See you all when I get back. :-)

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Beijing Day 8 Part 2.

Beijing Day 8 Part 2. The second place we visited today is the Big Bell Temple. The temple serves as a museum of many ancient bells and if you're there at the right time, they even have a life performance. Unfortunately, we didn't get to see the performance. I quite like this place. It's quiet and has lots of trees and flowers. The weather was also nice and cool and added to the experience and made this visit feel like a quiet walk in a small park. The bells were really cool too. Some were really big and all of them looked really rather old of course. :-)

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Beijing Day 8 Part 1.

Beijing Day 8 Part 1. This is our last day in Beijing before we return to Singapore. Our flight is in the late afternoon so we will do some sight seeing today. We got up early this morning and made our way to the Lugou Bridge which has a long history dating back to the days of imperial glory. It's also got some significance in the Sino-Japanese War. I couldn't catch it all so will need to go read up. Next stop a museum. Later. :-)

- This blog was updated through my M1 mobile phone.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Beijing Day 7 Part 3.

Beijing Day 7 Part 3. After lunch, it was another two hours to Tianjin. By the time we reached the city it was about 3pm and the first place we visited was WenHua Street. It's a street that they built in the old qing style. The shops were filled with all kinds of cultural items and tourist souvenirs. After that we visited Snack Street and had dinner before we returned to Beijing. The hotel we're booked to stay the night in is really nice and the best we've had all trip. K. Am off to enjoy my stay in this hotel. :-)

- This blog was updated through my M1 mobile phone.

Beijing Day 7 Part 2.

Beijing Day 7 Part 2. Before we reached Tianjin today, we made a stop in Beijing for lunch. It was in a restaurant that specialized in Shanxi food. The dish you see in the photo above is called Dao Xiao Mian and it's a kind of noodle made by the chef shaving bits of dough into a boiling pot of water. We also had other Shanxi specialities like their salad which was really heavy on vinegar and a egg white sweet corn dish which was sweet and quiet good. I'll tell you about Tianjin later. :-)

- This blog was updated through my M1 mobile phone.

Beijing Day 7 Part 1.

Beijing Day 7 Part 1. We leave the city of Chengde today to visit Tianjin. I like what I saw of Chengde. There is a large river that runs through the city and at night, when all the buildings are lit, it reminds me a little of Shanghai by the banks of the Huangpu River. I took a few shots but they're in my other camera. It is quite cold in Chengde and the temperature varies vastly between the day and night. Yesterday afternoon it was about 19 or so degrees but by nightfall it was 0 degrees. It was still rather cold this morning too and we hustled onto the bus to get out of the cold. The photo above was taken from the bus as we made our way out of the city to Tianjin via Beijing. This is a 7 hour bus-ride so i'm of to get some shut-eye as we had to get up rather early this norm. Later. :-)

- This blog was updated through my M1 mobile phone.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Beijing Day 6.

Beijing Day 6. This morning we woke up really early to start our journey to Chengde. It's about 5 hours from Beijing by bus. The city is much smaller than Beijing and it's also at a higher altitude, hence colder. We visited 3 places in Chengde. The first place we visited was a temple which housed a huge 1000 hands1000 eyes Guanyin. We also visited the Small Potala and the Qing Emperors' Mountain Resort. I really like the resort. It's really huge and has a beautiful lake, a hot spring, large plains etc. It's lovely and I think part of the reason why we liked it so much was cuz the place has far fewer people than the places we visited in Beijing. We've got to be up early in the morning to make our way to tianjin. good night. :-)

- This blog was updated through my M1 mobile phone.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Beijing Day 5 Part 2.

Beijing Day 5 Part 2. Today was a relatively relaxing day. After our visit to the Temple of Heaven we made our way to the Yuexiu Market to have lunch. This was everyone's favourite lunch to date. We had mini-hotpot for lunch. All our meals before this was oily and salty except for this meal. We cooked our own food in little pots of boiling water and my friend and i ate mostly vegetables. Yummy! The rest of the afternoon was filled with shopping before our early dinner and return to our hotel. K. That's it. Good night. :-)

- This blog was updated through my M1 mobile phone.

Beijing Day 5 Part 1.

Beijing Day 5 Part 1. Today we woke up to a beautiful and warm day, the perfect day to visit the Temple of Heaven. When we first entered the park, we saw a lot of locals singing, dancing, playing musical instruments etc everywhere, including along the entire stretch of the Long Corridor. This is quiet a lovely place and I rather liked the history and culture that made this place. The buildings are really gorgeous. Unfortunately, there are just way too many people and that spoiled the experience somewhat. :-(

- This blog was updated through my M1 mobile phone.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Beijing Day 4 Part 2.

Beijing Day 4 Part 2. After lunch we visited the Yonghe Palace Lamasary. I think it's the largest in beijing or maybe even China. The temple is really big and houses many gods. Right at the end there is a large buddha that is carved out of a single tree. Kinda cool.

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Beijing Day 4 Part 2.

Beijing Day 4 Part 2. After our little ride through the Hutong, we made our way to the beihai park and we visited a small mansion which have a lovely rock garden and pond in the middle of the house. Then we took a walk along the bank of beihai and stopped to look at the jiulongbi, the nine dragon screen. The above is a picture of that. Ok later time to get off the bus. :-)

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Beijing Day 4 Part 1.

Beijing Day 4 Part 1. It's day 4 in beijing and the first place we visited in the morning is a medical hall called tong ren tang. This modern building was built on the site of the old imperial doctors building. Next we took a trishaw ride to visit the Hutong and to make dumplings. The ride itself was very pleasant but i don't think the Hutong we saw was particularly authentic, a bit like the feeling of visiting chinatown of Singapore of today. :-(

- This blog was updated through my M1 mobile phone.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Beijing Day 3 Part 3.

Beijing Day 3 Part 3. Hi guys, this is my last post of the day. After we visited the Ming Tombs we went to an orchard nearby to pick apples. Okay if you live in a country with lots of farm land and fruit orchards, you might not find this fun. But we found it fun cuz we live in Singapore and picking fruit off trees isn't something most of us can do easily theses days. When i was a kid, i lived in ulu sembawang and i used to climb trees and pluck fruits and leaves and just shove them in my mouth on the spot. So this trip to the orchard held a tinge of nostalgia for me. Ok, that's it for me, good night. :-)

- This blog was updated through my M1 mobile phone.

Beijing Day 3 Part 2.

Beijing Day 3 Part 2. After the walk at the Great Wall, we went to a factory that made jintailan pottery and decorative pieces. After that we had lunch there before proceeding to the Ming Tombs. The tombs are surrounded by a very tranquil and serene park and the air was very fresh. The tomb that we saw is way underground and there was more staircase climbing today for us. :-) The tomb itself was impressive in its size but they spruced it up a bit and it doesn't look or feel as old as they actually are. K. That's it for now. Later. :-)

- This blog was updated through my M1 mobile phone.

Beijing Day 3 Part 1.

Beijing Day 3 Part 1. We woke up at 630am this morning to go climb the Great Wall today. It's a little drive away from the city. When i got there i was quite blown away with the magnitude of the wall. It's really amazing and quite beauty. The climb up was really taxing but they've installed hand rails so it made the climb easier although it was still really steep and awfully tiring. We didn't make it to the top, just 3 quarters of the way up. The climb down was even worse as some of the steps were quite high and there were a lot of steps. I loved it though. I've always wanted to see the Great Wall and now i have. :-)

- This blog was updated through my M1 mobile phone.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Beijing Day Two Part 2.

Beijing Day Two Part 2. Am back and resting in the hotel room now. Tired but it was a good day. :-) In the afternoon we had lunch in a small restaurant in the Summer Palace. The photo above was taken in the palace after lunch. I really like the Summer Palace. It's very pretty and quite tranquil. In the evening we watched a rather good acrobatic performance and after dinner we went to Wangfujing Street, a major shopping area in Beijing. K. Time for bed. Tomorrow we climb the Great Wall. :-)

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Beijing Day Two Part 1.

Beijing Day Two Part 1. Today we went to Tiananmen and the Forbidden Palace in the morning. There were tons of people there which made sight seeing a little difficult at times. Parts of the palace are still under renovation which is a pity but still it doesn't take away from the grandeur of the palace. Later. :-)

- This blog was updated through my M1 mobile phone.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Beijing Day 1 Part 2

Due to the need to juggle the schedules somewhat, what was suppose to be our free and easy day on the last day became today. But as we were still tired from the flight, not prepared to be explorer today and that our hotel is located in not the best of locations meant that our first day here really isn't v event filled. My friend and i walked the area a bit and went to a mall and had kfc for lunch. I picked a chicken wrap that's probably a china only thing. They put hoisin sauce and cucumbers with the chicken and it was like a combo peking duck plus western chicken wrap thing. Rather tasty. :-) now am watching Face to Fate, a tvb series i put on the zen vision. So over and out for today. :-)

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Beijing Day One Part 1

Beijing Day One. Hi all. This is the first pic i shot in beijing today. That was taken at the airport. It's approximately 11 degrees so not too cold. It's not very sunny though. It's so cool to be in beijing. :-)

- This blog was updated through my M1 mobile phone.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Flowers by the road.

Flowers by the road. Each morning I wake up early to swim or cycle as i'm working towards going for a trek next year. And each morning that i do cycle i always pass by patches of wild yellow flowers by the road side. I love these pretty flowers and i know i'm not the only one who likes them. Everytime the grass cutters come, the grass will be crop short by the time they leave but the flowers still remain. :-)

- This blog was updated through my M1 mobile phone.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Mid autumn festival.

Mid autumn festival. Another test. Still trying to get the title and body text separation correct without going into my dashboard. Anyway this photo was taken at the clarke quay area on the day of mid-autumn's itself. Enjoy. :-)

Update: hmmm... still didn't quite work. I still keep having to go in to my dashboard to fix the title of each entry. Ah... well... this will just have to do and I'll just have to go online and fix them when I get a chance.

- This blog was updated through my M1 mobile phone.

The experiment continues.

The experiment continues. I'm thinking of trying to mobile blog a little when I travel to beijing next week. And so am still working out all the quirks of mobile blog, hence another short nothing kind of entry. Anyway. Here is a picture of the sun through some trees. I exercise every morning and it was particularly pretty today and thought i'd share a little bit of sunshine with you. Have a great weekend guys. Cheers. :-)

- This blog was updated through my M1 mobile phone.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Modern Beauty - Ada Choi

I'm currently in McDonald's waiting for a friend. My other friend has borrowed my ds and so i'm some what bored. So decided to do some blogging. Above is a not terribly well shot photo of one of the Modern Beauty salons in Singapore. Not sure if you can make out that Ada Choi is those posters. She's the spokes-person for this salon. I'm not into these things but figured you tvb series loving fans might get a kick out of it. Recently i've seen a few tvb series and have been thinking of writing capsule reviews as a full length review may be too time consuming. I'll be off to beijing next week for another vacation. Will try and write them before that. Ok. That's it for now.


- This blog was updated through my M1 mobile phone.